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[活動]  【敬祝各位親愛的使用者們 :母親節愉快唷!】發佈時間:2023-09-26 11:48:11


清華大學開放式課程提醒各位使用者,再忙也要記得向媽媽說聲 ”!                    







Dear all users, 

It is time for celebrating Mother's Day!
Don't forget to say "Happy Mother's Day" to your mother!                 
We can deal with all hard and numerous academic things with diligent and ethusiastic  attitude; however, we are too busy to respond the efforts that our parents have paid on us just with one thanks. Not only should we have international viewpoints, professional          knowledge, hard-working attitude, but we should also have gratitude for the things   around us, which can be more meaningful for our life-long learning.

Yours, NTHU OCW      









【11/6 Calendar】全校運動大會(停課一天) Sports Day (no class)   ♠   【11/22-12/15 Calendar】教學意見調查開始(至12月15日止)Online Course Evaluation (11/22-12/15)   ♠   【8/26-8/27 Calendar】113學年度第1學期第3次選課開始(至27日止)3rd Course Selection Period (8/26-8/27)   ♠   【11/30 Calendar】教師進修及休假研究申請案送人事室截止Deadline for Faculty’s Sabbatical Leave Application   ♠   【12/1-12/6 Calendar】申請113學年度第2學期學雜費減免開始(至6日止)   ♠   【12/16-12/20 Calendar】期末考試開始(至20日止)Final Exams (12/16-12/20)   ♠   【9/2-10/4 Calendar】弱勢助學金申請(至10月4日止)   ♠   【12/23-12/25 Calendar】113學年度第2學期第1次選課開始(至25日止)1st Course Selection Period for 2025 Spring Semester (12/23-12/25)   ♠   【9/17 Calendar】中秋節 Mid-Autumn Festival (no class)   ♠   【12/31-1/2 Calendar】113學年度第2學期第2次選課開始(至1月2日止)2nd Course Selection Period for 2025 Spring Semester (12/31-1/2)   ♠   【9/23-11/15 Calendar】期中教學意見反映(至11月15日止) Mid-term Feedback on Teaching (9/23-11/15)   ♠   【10/10 Calendar】國慶日Double Tenth Day (no class)   ♠   【10/14-11/29 Calendar】期中成績預警開始(至11月29日止)Academic Warning System Starts Sending out Alert (10/14-11/29)   ♠   【10/28-11/15 Calendar】113學年度第1學期申請課程停修開始(至11月15日止)Course Withdrawal Begins (10/28-11/15)   ♠