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[公告]  教師備課一定要知道3件事分享報導 ! (20221101)發佈時間:2023-09-26 11:48:58
【⚠️此網站預計只維持至2021年底 】
Still badly battered about how to prepare the lectures? Nowadays, you can use the free digital resources to enhance the courses! Since the concept of “knowledge sharing” became popular all over the world, all kinds of open course teaching materials had exerted their influences on the Internet. On the websites which contain the mark of Creative Commons(http://creativecommons.tw/explore), you can freely use the resources according to the authorization and no need of asking for the author’s permission. To let your courses icing on the cake, we collect three types of open course teaching materials. You can use them according to your needs and let the knowledge be transmitted in a benign way.

         開放式課程最早起源於麻省理工學院,目標是讓他們的課程能隨時隨地被任何人自由使用,現在,免費的開放式課程網站已遍布全世界,清大的開放式課程NTHU OCW網站也開放給所有人免費下載使用,更與全台22間學校組成「台灣開放式課程聯盟」,提供一個多元課程的平台。
The concept of open course originated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Their goal is to let their courses freely use by the public. At present, free open course websites are all over the world. NTHU OpenCourseWare is also open to public for free using and downloading. We also compose “Taiwan OCW Consortium” with other 22 universities which provides a platform with diversified courses. 
 清華大學開放式課程網站  台大開放式課程網站  交大開放式課程網站
 成大開放式課程網站 ♣ TOCEC官方網站  國外開放式課程推薦

        開放式課程在國外行之有年,除了錄製免費的線上式課程影片,提供學生自行學習,近年來也有許多熱情的老師開始撰寫教科書,促成了「Open Textbooks」作為開放式教育的新學習媒介。這些免費、公開的教科書經由創用CC授權,使用者可以直接線上閱讀或是免費下載自行使用,且內容品質已經過各種學院和大學的教師評估。由於書籍領域多元,開放教科書成為近年來炙手可熱的工具。

Open Textbook Library:https://open.umn.edu/opentextbooks
Open course has been established for years oversea. Apart from recording free online course videos for students to self-learning, some enthusiastic teachers have started to write textbooks which contributed as “Open Textbooks” as a new learning medium of OCW. These free and public textbooks were authorized by Creative Commons, so the users can read them online or download them for their own use. Also, the contents’ qualities were evaluated by various colleges and professors. Because of the diversified textbook fields, Open Textbook became a popular tool.
It contains books of Business, Science, Social Humanities, Art Design, Law and Medicine and other different fields. The interface is easy and you can check the readers’ ratings and evaluations clearly. Users can search the textbook topic they like and choose online reading or download usage. 
        除了開放的課程與課本,國外也有Power point共享平台。有別於一般提供免費模板的網站,PPT共享平台開放所有人公開上傳、分享與自由使用已經做好的PPT,使用者可以自行尋找適合的內容,其中不乏課程講義,教師可依照所需去蕪存菁,成為最佳的引用資料。
Except for open courses and textbooks, there is an oversea Power Point sharing platform. Different from the free template websites, PPT slides share is open to everyone for uploading, sharing and using the PPT with contents. Users can look for suitable contents and many of them are lecture notes. Teachers can discard the weeds and retain the flowers to meet their needs so as to become a good reference data.  
 範例  模板  字體
       (PPT with contents)       (Template)         (Font)
SlideShare Slides Carnival Google Fonts
SlidePlayer ALLPPT shutterstock
  24Slides 翰字鑄造 - 台北黑體
  OfficePLUS justfont - open粉圓(其他部分免費)
    FONT FREE (日文)






【1/1 Calendar】開國紀念日New Year's Day (no class)   ♠   【1/3 Calendar】教師送繳113學年度第1學期成績截止Deadline for 2024 Fall Semester Grade Submission   ♠   【1/27 Calendar】春節彈性放假Holiday-Chinese New Year   ♠   【1/28 Calendar】除夕Chinese New Year’s Eve   ♠   【1/29-1/31 Calendar】春節(至31日止)Chinese New Year (1/29-1/31)   ♠   【1/31 Calendar】113學年度第1學期研究生論文口試結束Thesis Defense Ends   ♠   【2/13-3/2 Calendar】113學年度第2學期加退選開始(至3月2日止)Add-or-Drop Selection (2/13-3/2)   ♠   【2/21 Calendar】教師提出更改113學年度第1學期學生成績截止Deadline for 2024 Fall Semester Grade Adjustments   ♠   【3/22 Calendar】園徵才博覽會Career Fair   ♠   【4/2 Calendar】校際活動週(停課一日,課程由教師自行擇期補課)   ♠   【4/4 Calendar】兒童節、民族掃墓節Tomb Sweeping Day / Children's Day   ♠   【4/26 Calendar】校慶環校路跑Cross Country Long Distance Running   ♠   【4/27 Calendar】校慶活動日University Foundation Anniversary Celebration   ♠   【4/29 Calendar】校慶日University Foundation Day   ♠   【5/9-6/1 Calendar】教學意見調查開始(至6月1日止)Online Course Evaluation   ♠   【5/13-6/11 Calendar】114學年度轉系、轉所申請(至6月11日止)Application for Program Transfer   ♠   【5/15-5/24 Calendar】各系辦理大學申請入學甄試(至24日止,由各系自行指定日期並於招生簡章   ♠   【5/15-5/24 Calendar】各系辦理大學申請入學甄試(至24日止,由各系自行指定日期並於招生簡章   ♠   【5/16 Calendar】教師升等資料送人事室截止Deadline for Submission of Faculty   ♠   【5/25 Calendar】畢業典禮Commencement   ♠   【5/30 Calendar】端午節補假Holiday-Dragon Boat Festival (No Class)   ♠   【5/31 Calendar】端午節Dragon Boat Festival (No Class)   ♠   【5/31 Calendar】教師進修及休假研究申請案送人事室截止Deadline for Submission of   ♠   【6/9-6/11 Calendar】114學年度第1學期第1次選課開始(至11日止)1st Course Selection Period   ♠   【6/9 Calendar】教師送繳應屆畢業生113學年度第2學期成績截止Deadline for 2025   ♠   【6/9 Calendar】暑假開始Summer Vacation Begins   ♠