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[課程]  【魅力教學】優雅大腦的奧秘 — 學術導遊的奇幻之旅!發佈時間:2021-04-30 11:27:37



“If you did not become a scholar, what would you like to do for living?” we asked Prof. Chuan-Chin Chiao, who chose to study Department of Marine Biotechnology and Resources in NSYSU because of the only diving course in Taiwan, and accidentally developed his enthusiasm about research. He interestingly replied, “I would be a tour guide because a tour guide can explore many intriguing things and lead others to find them as well!” With endless desire of knowledge and a mission to teach, Prof. Chiao has been awarded the excellent teacher of NTHU three times in the past ten years. The course, Brain and Mind, was one of the hottest classes and was taken by 300 students in 2012. Although he cannot become a tour guide, his students cannot help but admire his guiding ability to lead students to the world of ocean.


      如果資源無限,最想知道的問題,果然還是「大腦如何運作!」從海洋生物學到腦神經系統的學術殿堂,焦傳金老師秉持著對研究的終極關懷,開設的通識課「腦與心智」,主要帶學生探討腦與心智(Brain and Mind)的關連性。課程逐週從感覺與知覺開始、包括注意力與情緒、決策與執行,以及理性與感性、選擇&決策、智力與創造力、發育&可塑性等議題。課前先播放一段主題影片及理論,再帶入每週議題,即使無相關知識背景,也能透過影片及科學人雜誌等期刊論文逐步入門。充實的課程內容,加上老師有邏輯的講課風格,總讓學生趨之若鶩。

If resource was infinite, what people want to know would still be the operation of brain. From marine biology to neuroscience, Prof. Chiao is always strongly concerned about his research. His GE course, Brain and Mind, mainly focuses on leading students to explore the relation between brain and mind. The course will begin with Sensation and Perception, including Attention and Emotion, Decision-making and Execution, as well as rationality and sensitivity, Option and Decision-making, intelligence and creativity, development and malleability. The teacher will play a video and introduce a theory at first, and then discuss the issue of the week. Even those who have no biological background can also be gradually involved in the lesson through videos and journal articles from Scientific American. Substantial lessons and the teacher’s logical teaching style always attract a sea of students.

In addition to Prof. Chiao’s attitude and enthusiasm, Prof. Chiao’s course features selected nice book recommendation. Those best books are not the cold professional text books as thick as breaks but the materials from Scientific American, which are 4-to-9-page easy articles in associate with a variety of knowledge of brain operation. Students will find the secrets of science by reading the recommended books of which topics include how to see more clearly, how to save newborn brain cell, how colors cause illusion, and even how creatures communicate by pheromone. The teacher believes that students cannot only reveal the veiling of brain but also realize how to protect and train our brains. Those who have understood the ageing mechanism of brain and been prepared can elegantly mature with dignity. 
Information of Best Books:



【1/1 Calendar】開國紀念日New Year's Day (no class)   ♠   【1/3 Calendar】教師送繳113學年度第1學期成績截止Deadline for 2024 Fall Semester Grade Submission   ♠   【1/27 Calendar】春節彈性放假Holiday-Chinese New Year   ♠   【1/28 Calendar】除夕Chinese New Year’s Eve   ♠   【1/29-1/31 Calendar】春節(至31日止)Chinese New Year (1/29-1/31)   ♠   【1/31 Calendar】113學年度第1學期研究生論文口試結束Thesis Defense Ends   ♠   【2/13-3/2 Calendar】113學年度第2學期加退選開始(至3月2日止)Add-or-Drop Selection (2/13-3/2)   ♠   【2/21 Calendar】教師提出更改113學年度第1學期學生成績截止Deadline for 2024 Fall Semester Grade Adjustments   ♠   【3/22 Calendar】園徵才博覽會Career Fair   ♠   【4/2 Calendar】校際活動週(停課一日,課程由教師自行擇期補課)   ♠   【4/4 Calendar】兒童節、民族掃墓節Tomb Sweeping Day / Children's Day   ♠   【4/26 Calendar】校慶環校路跑Cross Country Long Distance Running   ♠   【4/27 Calendar】校慶活動日University Foundation Anniversary Celebration   ♠   【4/29 Calendar】校慶日University Foundation Day   ♠   【5/9-6/1 Calendar】教學意見調查開始(至6月1日止)Online Course Evaluation   ♠   【5/13-6/11 Calendar】114學年度轉系、轉所申請(至6月11日止)Application for Program Transfer   ♠   【5/15-5/24 Calendar】各系辦理大學申請入學甄試(至24日止,由各系自行指定日期並於招生簡章   ♠   【5/15-5/24 Calendar】各系辦理大學申請入學甄試(至24日止,由各系自行指定日期並於招生簡章   ♠   【5/16 Calendar】教師升等資料送人事室截止Deadline for Submission of Faculty   ♠   【5/25 Calendar】畢業典禮Commencement   ♠   【5/30 Calendar】端午節補假Holiday-Dragon Boat Festival (No Class)   ♠   【5/31 Calendar】端午節Dragon Boat Festival (No Class)   ♠   【5/31 Calendar】教師進修及休假研究申請案送人事室截止Deadline for Submission of   ♠   【6/9-6/11 Calendar】114學年度第1學期第1次選課開始(至11日止)1st Course Selection Period   ♠   【6/9 Calendar】教師送繳應屆畢業生113學年度第2學期成績截止Deadline for 2025   ♠   【6/9 Calendar】暑假開始Summer Vacation Begins   ♠