線上人數: 167


11001 自然科學
焦傳金 教授

認知神經科學是一門新興的研究領域,主要是探索腦與心智的關連 性。從感覺與知覺、學習與記憶、注意力與情緒、同理與厭惡、決策與執行、乃至意識的產生,都是認知神經科學的範疇......


 Course description
         認知神經科學(Cognitive Neuroscience)是一門新興 的研究領域,主要是探索腦與心智(Brain and Mind)的關連性。從感覺與知 覺(Sensation and Perception)、學習與記憶(Learning and Memory)、注 意力與情緒(Attention and Emotion)、同理與厭惡(Empathy and Disguise)、決策與執行(Decision-making and Execution)、乃至意識 (Consciousness)的產生,都是認知神經科學的範疇。瞭解這些認知行為背 後的神經科學不僅是本世紀最重要的一項科學探索,也與每個人的有密切的關 係。例如:神經經濟學(Neuroeconomics)與消費者行為及市場調查有關, 退化性神經疾病(Neurodegenerative disorders)與老年失智症有關。在本 課程中,我們將依序探討認知神經科學中的主要課題,重點在於介紹最新的研 究發展,並討論這些科學發現對個人及社會的衝擊。本課程將以科學人雜誌過 去所發表有關認知神經科學的文章為主,並以影片及期刊論文為輔,搭配課程 中互動討論,使無心理學或生物學背景的學生亦可學習此一課程。




 Cognitive Neuroscience: The Biology of the Mind (Fourth Edition),

Michael Gazzaniga, Richard B. Ivry, George R. Mangun (2013)


Course schedule  

Week Topic                  Note
Week 1 腦與心智簡介
  簡介各週內容,暴力行為在腦中的運作模式 第一周上課使用直播方式,不需前往教室 
Week 2 感覺&知覺 I
Week 3 感覺&知覺 II
Week 4 感覺&知覺 I II
Week 5 學習&記憶 
Week 6 睡眠&夢
  我可以都不睡覺嗎? 我為何需要睡覺?
Week 7 報償&成癮
Week 8 溝通&語言
Week 9 理性&感性
Week 10 全校運動會 選擇&決策 
Week 11 同理心
Week 12 智力&創造力
  天才從何而來? 創意如何產生?
Week13 發育&可塑性
Week 14 老化&疾病
Week 15 腦科學&科技&社會
Week 16 意識&自由意志
Week 17 期末考週



 Warm reminder

Grading policy

課堂參與:40% (每堂課結束後需將課程心得與自我經驗分享上傳至社群軟體 fb、ig)

課堂小考:30%  (每個段落皆有課堂小考,以 slido 進行)

期末報告:30%  (製作一個與課程相關的影片,並附上書面報告)



2.下載 slido



2.大一新生欲加簽者同樣需於 9/15(三)第一堂課參與線上直播課

3.直播連結: https://youtu.be/PzcXgcReoWs

 劉璦瑜_當代生命科學腦與心智 week1_week10筆記分享!

10902 自然科學
程守慶 教授
This course will cover the concept of holomorphic functions, Cauchy's integral formula. Maximum modulus principle for holomorphic functions shall be proved....
Course Description

Basically we shall cover the following topics.
(1) Cauchy-Riemann equation,Cauchy theorem for holomorphic functions,
(2) Cauchy integral formula,
(3) Maximum modulus Principle,
(4) Laurent series,meromorphic functions,
(5) Calculus of residues,
(6) Harmonic functions of two real variables,
(7) Conformal mappings, Riemann mapping theorem.

Text Books 
1 L. V. Ahlfors: Complex Analysis,
2 E. M. Stein and R. Shakarchi: Complex Analysis, Princeton University Press.

John Wiley & Sons, INC.
4. W. Rudin: Real and Complex Analysis, McGraw-Hill Book Company.
 Teaching Method 
Lecture and assignments.
It will be announced in the first class.





10901 自然科學
焦傳金 教授

認知神經科學(Cognitive Neuroscience)是一門新興的研究領域,主要是探索腦與心智的關連 性。從感覺與知覺、學習與記憶、注意力與情緒 、同理與厭惡、決策與執行、乃至意識的產生,都是認知神經科學的範疇。Cognitive Neuroscience is an emerging academic field concerned with the relation of Brain and Mind. Topics such as: sensation and perception, learning and memory, attention and emotion, empathy and disguise, decision-making and execution, and consciousness, all belong to the field of Cognitive Neuroscience.


        Brief course description

        認知神經科學(Cognitive Neuroscience)是一門新興的研究領域,主要是探索腦與心智(Brain and Mind)的關連性。從感覺與知覺(Sensation and Perception)、學習與記憶(Learning and Memory)、注意力與情緒 (Attention and Emotion)、同理與厭惡(Empathy and Disguise)、決策與執行(Decision-making and Execution)、乃至意識(Consciousness)的產生,都是認知神經科學的範疇。瞭解這些認知行為背後的神經科學不僅是本世紀最重要的一項科學探索,也與每個人的有密切的關係。例如:神經經濟學(Neuroeconomics)與消費者行為 及市場調查有關,退化性神經疾病(Neurodegenerative disorders)與老年失智症有關。
        在本課程中,我們將依序探討認知神經科學中的主要課題,重點在於介紹最新的研究發展,並討論這些科學發現對個人及社會的衝擊。本課程將以 科學人雜誌過去所發表有關認知神經科學的文章為主,並以影片及期刊論文為輔,使無心理學或生物學背景的學生亦可學習此一課程。

Cognitive Neuroscience is an emerging academic field concerned with the relation of Brain and Mind. Topics such as: sensation and perception, learning and memory, attention and emotion, empathy and disguise, decision-making and execution, and consciousness, all belong to the field of Cognitive Neuroscience.Understanding the neuroscience behind these cognitive behaviors not only marks one of the most significant science discovery in this century but also deeply connects to individual’s daily life. For example, Neuroeconomics involves in consumer behavior and market research; Neurodegenerative disorders is related to Alzheimer's disease.
In this course we’ll introduce some main topics of Neuroscience in order, focusing on the latest research and development, and we’ll discuss the influence on society and individuals from these discoveries. Most of the learning materials come from articles about Cognitive Neuroscience on Scientific American of these years, supplied with films and periodical literature as auxiliaries, so students without psychology or biology background can also participate in this course. 


         Course schedule 

Week Topic   Note
Week 1 ♦ 與心智簡介 簡介各週內容,暴力行為在腦中的運作模式
  Introduction to Brain and Mind –
To introduce the whole course and the operation modes of violence in brains
Week 2 ♦感覺&知覺 I 視覺的錯視、視覺訊息的處理
  Sensation and Perception I – Optical illusion & the Operation of Visual Signals
 Week 3 ♦感覺&知覺 II 奧妙的色彩如何影響大腦認知
  Sensation and Perception II – How do the colors affect our perception?
Week 4 ♦感覺&知覺 III 原來我們聽到的可能不一樣、基因影響嗅覺辨識!
  Sensation and Perception III – 
What we hear may be different & Genes determine our olfactory sensation 
Week 5 ♦學習&記憶 感官、短期、長期,原來有不同的記憶形式
  Learning and Memory – Different memory modes
Week 6 ♦睡眠&夢 我可以都不睡覺嗎? 我為何需要睡覺?
  Sleep and Dreams – Why we need to sleep?
Week 7 ♦報償&成癮 為何毒品這麼難戒除,成癮對腦造成的傷害
  Reward and Addiction – Why is it so hard to quit drugs & how do drugs harm the brains
Week 8 ♦溝通&語言 動物們如何溝通,為何電子書無法取代紙本?
  Communication and Language – The ways animals 
Week 9 ♠♠♠ 全  校  運  動  會  停  課  YA! ♠♠♠
                         Taking a day off – NTHU sports day

Week 10 ♦理性&感性 動物也會難過,不同情緒由不同腦區控制
   Rationality and Sensibility – Emotions are controlled by different parts of the brain
Week 11 ♦選擇&決策 如何做出選擇,究竟你在選什麼?
  Choice and Decision-making – How to make choices?
Week 12 ♦同理心 網路和面對面的霸凌有何不同,你懂我的痛嗎?
  Empathy – The difference between cyberbullying and face-to-face bullying & Can others understand my pains?
Week 13 ♦智力&創造力 天才從何而來? 創意如何產生?
  Intelligence and Creativity – Where does genius come from?
& How does creativity be formed?
Week 14 ♦發育&可塑性 嬰兒天生會做哪些事?學前教育可以如何進行
  Development and Plasticity – What can infants do by nature? & Preschool education
Week 15 ♦老化&疾病 如何優雅的老化,能阻止大腦變老嗎?
  Aging and Disease – How can we age elegantly?& Is it possible to prevent the brains from aging?
Week 16 ♦腦科學&科技&社會 男、女頭腦大不同?
  Brain Science, Technology and Society –The difference between female brains and male brains
Week 17 意識&自由意志 植物人有意識嗎?
  Consciousness and Free Will – Do vegetative people contain their free will?
Week 18 期末考週 繳交期末報告 
  The week of final exam - Hand in the final project



        Warm reminder
♠ 本課程同時採用實體上課與同步遠距教學 
  This course is lectured in the classroom as well as through distance learning!

Grading policy:

課堂參與:40% (每堂課結束後需將課程心得與自我經驗分享上傳至社群軟體 fb、ig)
Class attendance:40% (Sharing your experience and thoughts of the course on your fb or ig) 

課堂小考:30%  (每個段落皆有課堂小考,以 slido 進行)
Quizzes:30% (There are quizzes for each parts, performed with slido)

期末報告:30% (一份 3 頁 A4 的課程主題延伸報告)
Final project : 30%

Questionnaire ( bonus ) : 5%

    Bring your mobile devices (smartphone, tablet, or laptop) to class

2.下載 slido
     Download slido app

    Having a social media account


10802 自然科學
焦傳金 教授


        Course Description


          Brain science is the most important research area in 21st century and cellular neuroscience is the basis of brain science. This course is one of the core courses of neuroscience micro interdisciplinary program (which contains cellular neuroscience, systems neuroscience, cognitive neuroscience and computational neuroscience). In this course, we are going to introduce the basic structures and functions of nerve cells, the generations and transmissions of neural signals, the communication and neuroplasticity between nerve cells, development and changes of nerve cells, nerve degeneration and regeneration. With the explanation of important concepts and the analysis of experimental data, we expect the students to have a full understanding of nerve cells’ characteristics so as to become an important basis for exploring brain functions.

  Basic biological concepts!
        Text Books
Eric R. Kandel, James H. Schwartz, Thomas M. Jessell, Steven A.

Siegelbaum and A. J. Hudspeth, Principles of Neural Science, 5th Ed., 2012 
 ♠  特別感謝書商麥格羅﹒希爾(McGraw-Hill)

Dale Purves, George J. Augustine, David Fitzpatrick and William C. 
  Hall,Neuroscience, 5th Ed., 2011
♠  Larry Squire, Darwin Berg, Floyd E. Bloom and Sascha du Lac,

Fundamental Neuroscience,4th Ed., 2012
John G. Nicholls, A. Robert Martin, Paul A. Fuchs and David A. Brown, 


♠ Week 1 Fundamental properties of neurons
♠ Week 2. Transmission of neural signals
♠ Week 3 Synaptic transmission: mechanisms
 Week 4. Synaptic transmission: neurotransmitters
 Week 5. Synaptic transmission: plasticity
♠ Week 6 Development of neurons
♠ Week 7 Development of synapses
 Week 8 Degeneration and regeneration of neurons


10802 自然科學
焦傳金 教授



          Course Description

         Brain science is the most important research area in 21st century and cellular neuroscience is the basis of brain science. In this course, we are going to introduce the structures and functions of neural network which is a basic but important course in between cellular neuroscience and cognitive neuroscience. This course will be specifically focusing on the sensory nervous system and motor nervous system. With the explanation of important concepts and the analysis of experimental data, we expect the students to understand the basic rules of how the nervous system operates. 


  Basic biological concepts!
        Text Books
Eric R. Kandel, James H. Schwartz, Thomas M. Jessell, Steven A.

Siegelbaum and A. J. Hudspeth, Principles of Neural Science, 5th Ed., 2012 
 ♠  特別感謝書商麥格羅﹒希爾(McGraw-Hill)

Dale Purves, George J. Augustine, David Fitzpatrick and William C. 
  Hall,Neuroscience, 5th Ed., 2011
♠  Larry Squire, Darwin Berg, Floyd E. Bloom and Sascha du Lac,

Fundamental Neuroscience,4th Ed., 2012
John G. Nicholls, A. Robert Martin, Paul A. Fuchs and David A. Brown, 

From Neuron to Brain,5th Ed., 2011



♠ Week 1 Organization of the nervous systems
♠ Week 2. Sensation and perception: touch and pain
♠ Week 3 Sensation and perception: vision I
 Week 4. Sensation and perception: vision II
 Week 5. Sensation and perception: audition,
olfaction, and gustation
♠ Week 6 Movement and action: peripheral mechanisms
♠ Week 7 Movement and action: central control
 Week 8 Movement and action: coordination and planning
10802 自然科學
焦傳金 教授


     Brief course description

課程目標 !
      This is a basic course in neuroscience. The goal is to introduce you to how the sensory system works in a clear and easy to understanding way. In this six-week course, there will be 12 units per week, each unit will have a 5 minutes video. By answering many interesting questions related to daily life, you can learn the latest brain science knowledge. Let us add a bit of knowledge while sensory interacting with the world. 

     Course objectives

 In this course, based on the sensory system in the field of neuroscience, we will gradually introduce human sensations and perceptions including the sense of sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste. These sensory systems are the medium of human receiving external information which not only influence our rational and thinking, but also our emotions and memories. Therefore, it is a popular science knowledge that the general public will be interested in and can easily arouse most people’s concerns. The course objective is to trigger public curiosity with vivid text, pictures and videos. And transform difficult neuroscience knowledge into personal experience in a simple way that can be understood by everyone. Let us learn the popular and common science knowledge through experiences and feelings and apply this knowledge to daily life.

Week 1 視覺一(靈魂之窗)
Week 2 視覺二(影像腦中尋)
Week 3 聽覺(原音重現)
Week 4. 觸覺(肌膚之親)
Week 5 冷熱覺與痛覺(不可承受之輕)
Week 6 嗅覺與味覺(化學變化)



10802 自然科學
林秀豪 教授
Applied Mathematics is a two-semester course, emphasizing the basic mathematical training encountered in science and engineering. 
Brief course description 
Applied Mathematics is a two-semester course, emphasizing the basic mathematical training encountered in science and engineering. Facing the modern frontiers with brand-new challenges, the course contains the following key modules:
 It is important to maintain the balance between mathematical rigor and hands-on applications. Meanwhile, the last module (numerical methods) will be integrated into other modules to facilitate complementary usage of analytic and numeric techniques.


Complex Analysis

 Partial Derivative

(3) Linear Algebra
(4) Quantum Operators
(5) Fourier Transform
(6) Vector calculus
Syllabus for Applied Mathematics (2020)
Applied Mathematics is a two-semester course, emphasizing the basic mathematical training encountered in science and engineering. Facing the modern frontiers with brand-new challenges, the course contains the following key modules: 
(1)  Preliminary
(2)  Partial differentiation
(3) Matrices and vector spaces
(4) Vector calculus
(5) Ordinary differential equations
(6) Integral transforms
(7)  Operators and special functions
(8) Partial differential equations
(9)  Probability and statistics
(10)  Numerical methods
It is important to maintain the balance between mathematical rigor and hands-on applications. Meanwhile, the last module (numerical methods) will be integrated nto other modules to facilitate complementary usage of analytic and numeric techniques.

Mathematical Methods for physics and engineering (3rd edition)
  by Riley, Hobson and Bence
 In the first semester, we will cover the following key modules subjected
      to dynamical readjustments:
(1) Preliminary (4 lectures) – chap 1,2,3,4
(2)  Partial differentiation (2 lectures) – chap 5
(3) Matrices and vector spaces (8 lectures) – chap 7,8,9
(4) Vector calculus (6 lectures) – chap 10,11
 (5) ntegral transforms (4 lectures) – chap 12,13
 (6)  Ordinary differential equations (6 lectures) 
  – chap 14,15,16




10602 自然科學
高淑蓉 教授
本課程以訓練嚴謹的邏輯推導、撰寫明確的證明、流利的口語表達為手段,追求如何思考、如何有效的學習為目標。This course is based on teaching you how to think logically, how to prove clearly and express yourself fluency.Also,how to think and how to learn effectively and the goals of this course.
Brief course description 
This course is based on teaching you how to think logically, how to prove clearly and 
express yourself fluency.Also,how to think and how to learn effectively and the goals of this course.
 Course Description 
    This course is based on teaching you how to think logically, how to prove clearly and express yourself fluency.Also,how to think and how to learn effectively and the goals of this course.The content of this course includes  the analysis of the multivariable functions in Euclidean space. The following topics are introduced in this semester:  
 1. Differentiable Mappings 
 2. The Inverse and Implicit Function Theorems and Related Topics 
 3. Integration 
 4. Fubini's Theorem and The Change of Variables Formula 
 5. Fourier Analysis 
Text Books  
 J. E. Marsden and M. J. Hoffman, Elementary Classical Analysis,  

 second edition.
D. Widder, Advanced Calculus. 

T. Apostal, Advanced Calculus. 

教學方式 / 教學進度
 Teaching Method / Syllabus

 Teaching with Blackboard / Step by step

10602 自然科學
宋瓊珠 教授

This is an introductory course on the theory of curves and surfaces in the three dimensional Euclidean space. After developing the theory of curves, we will study the geometry of a surface from both intrinsic and extrinsic point of view. Topics include first and second fundamental forms, various notions of curvature, and the famous Gauss-Bonnet theorem.

Brief course description
This is an introductory course on the theory of curves and surfaces in the three dimensional Euclidean space. After developing the theory of curves, we will study the geometry of a surface from both intrinsic and extrinsic point of view. Topics include first and second fundamental forms, various notions of curvature, and the famous Gauss-Bonnet theorem.

Course Description
This is an introductory course on the theory of curves and surfaces in the three dimensional Euclidean space. After developing the theory of curves, we will study the geometry of a surface from both intrinsic and extrinsic point of view. Topics include first and second fundamental forms, various notions of curvature, and the famous Gauss-Bonnet theorem. 
Successful completion of Linear Algebra and Advanced Calculus 
Text Books  
Differential geometry of curves and surfaces, by Manfredo P. Do 

Carmo. Prentice Hall.

Elementary Differential Geometry, 2nd edition, A. Pressley, Springer, 2010.
Elementary Differential Geometry, 2nd Edition, by Barrett O'Nell. 

Teaching Method 
Lectures. 講授,演習,討論.  




10601 自然科學
吳國安 教授

Human are curious about how things changed with the times and environment. How can we use physics to figure out the change of things or promote new ideas based on systematic observation? How can we develop the logics and method of doing research? These are the course purposes of General Physics.

Description of the course


      We are all curious about how nature works. In order to better grasp the fundamental rules that govern our daily life experiences, this course – General Physics (I) – aims to develop students’ abilities in logical reasoning and scientific problem solving. How do we achieve that goal? For example, we will learn Newton’s laws of motion and gravity in this course. The physics of these laws are important, but how Newton and other scientists discovered (or what motivates them to discover) these laws are equally important as well. In addition, we will learn their logical reasoning processes and systematic approaches to tackle problems. Furthermore, it is crucial to make connections between physics topics and form your own understanding of each topics. For example, since Newton’s laws of motion are sufficient to solve mechanics problem, why do we need to introduce the concept of energy to solve the same mechanics problem. 
      This course will cover Newton's laws of motion and the concept of work & energy. After fully understand the motion of single particle, we then construct a simple many-particle system (Rigid Body), and explore the physical laws it follows (Rotational Motion). Based on the understanding of motion of single particle and many-particle systems, we will discuss the physical phenomena occurred in our daily life, such as gravity, solid & fluid, oscillations and waves. Moreover, we will talk about why Einstein proposed special relativity despite success of Newton’s laws of motion in classical mechanics. Within Einstein’s framework of special relativity, we will demonstrate why observers have different perspectives on time duration and spatial length in different inertial reference frames?
Course Material 
   Lecture notes (PPT) from Dr. Wu,Kuo-An (Dept. of Physics)
The Feynman Lectures on Physics
"Physics", Volume1, by R.Resnick, D.Halliday, and K. S. Krane.
"University Physics", 2nd revised edition by H. Benson.
Suitable Users
        Who is this course for
  This course is for people who have curiosity for anything or everything! 
Teaching Method
        How does this course work
課程共 13章節,每一章節包含數個單元。

This course consists of 13 chapters; each chapter includes several segments. 


Each segment contains a 10-to-15-minitue video and focuses on a specific physics topic. 


This course offers PPTs that are available for downloading. 




This course emphasizes the reasoning of physical laws and nurturing the logical reasoning 
  ability, so that students can apply this training to solve problems outside the classroom.


        What do you expect to learn in this course

動態系統與向量力學 Dynamical Systems & Vector Mechanics

Starting from Newtonian Mechanics  

2.  功與能Work & Energy

 — 純量的角度來思考牛頓定律
Understanding Motion from the Scalar Perspective 

位能與力學能守恆 Potential Energy & Conservation of Mechanical Energy

Nothing is Simpler Than Scalar Mechanics 


線性動量 Linear Momentum

Conservation Laws and How do They Simplify Physical Problems 
5.  多粒子系統 Many-particle System 
  —  邁向真實世界的第一步
The First Step Towards The Real World 

剛體轉動 Rigid-body Rotation

  — 如何設計容易轉動的輪子
 A possible new design for Wheels 

角動量  Angular Momentum

   — 如何設計容易轉動的輪子
       A Possible New Design for Wheels

重力與行星運動 Gravity & Planetary Motion

The Moon Doesn*t Fall on Newton*s Head, but Apples Do.

固體與流體  Solid and Fluid

   — 巨觀的物理世界
The Macro-scopic Physical Word

振盪 Oscillation

  — 彈簧振盪*單擺運動*金融市場有關係嗎?
 Is There a Common Feature for Spring Oscillator,
     Pendulum and Financial Marker?

11. 波動(力學波)  Waves (Mechanical Waves)
The Universality of Mechanical Waves.
12. 聲波 Sound Waves
  — 假人的聲波
      Sound waves for dummies
13. 特殊相對論  Special Relativity

— 站在月台上的你似乎瘦了?!
You look thin when standing on the platform?!



【1/1 Calendar】開國紀念日New Year's Day (no class)   ♠   【1/3 Calendar】教師送繳113學年度第1學期成績截止Deadline for 2024 Fall Semester Grade Submission   ♠   【1/27 Calendar】春節彈性放假Holiday-Chinese New Year   ♠   【1/28 Calendar】除夕Chinese New Year’s Eve   ♠   【1/29-1/31 Calendar】春節(至31日止)Chinese New Year (1/29-1/31)   ♠   【1/31 Calendar】113學年度第1學期研究生論文口試結束Thesis Defense Ends   ♠   【2/13-3/2 Calendar】113學年度第2學期加退選開始(至3月2日止)Add-or-Drop Selection (2/13-3/2)   ♠   【2/21 Calendar】教師提出更改113學年度第1學期學生成績截止Deadline for 2024 Fall Semester Grade Adjustments   ♠   【3/22 Calendar】園徵才博覽會Career Fair   ♠   【4/2 Calendar】校際活動週(停課一日,課程由教師自行擇期補課)   ♠   【4/4 Calendar】兒童節、民族掃墓節Tomb Sweeping Day / Children's Day   ♠   【4/26 Calendar】校慶環校路跑Cross Country Long Distance Running   ♠   【4/27 Calendar】校慶活動日University Foundation Anniversary Celebration   ♠   【4/29 Calendar】校慶日University Foundation Day   ♠   【5/9-6/1 Calendar】教學意見調查開始(至6月1日止)Online Course Evaluation   ♠   【5/13-6/11 Calendar】114學年度轉系、轉所申請(至6月11日止)Application for Program Transfer   ♠   【5/15-5/24 Calendar】各系辦理大學申請入學甄試(至24日止,由各系自行指定日期並於招生簡章   ♠   【5/15-5/24 Calendar】各系辦理大學申請入學甄試(至24日止,由各系自行指定日期並於招生簡章   ♠   【5/16 Calendar】教師升等資料送人事室截止Deadline for Submission of Faculty   ♠   【5/25 Calendar】畢業典禮Commencement   ♠   【5/30 Calendar】端午節補假Holiday-Dragon Boat Festival (No Class)   ♠   【5/31 Calendar】端午節Dragon Boat Festival (No Class)   ♠   【5/31 Calendar】教師進修及休假研究申請案送人事室截止Deadline for Submission of   ♠   【6/9-6/11 Calendar】114學年度第1學期第1次選課開始(至11日止)1st Course Selection Period   ♠   【6/9 Calendar】教師送繳應屆畢業生113學年度第2學期成績截止Deadline for 2025   ♠   【6/9 Calendar】暑假開始Summer Vacation Begins   ♠