線上人數: 166


11302 人文社會
2030 教育 AI 年會|體驗展覽 x 趨勢論壇 (1212 系統測試中)
均一團隊 教授

       均一平台從教育大師杜威「民主與教育」的角度,邀請產、官、學,共同形塑 2030 年台灣的新民主與新教育樣貌。未來教育的核心,要能支撐科技、經濟、安全、對話與民主的升級與轉型,要能面對 ABC 三大挑戰,並且永續發展、成就更多孩子。
From the perspective of educational master John Dewey’s "Democracy and Education," Junyi Academy invites industry, government, and academia to collaboratively shape the new democracy and education landscape of Taiwan in 2030.
The core of future education must support the upgrading and transformation of technology, economy, security, communication, and democracy. It must be capable of facing the three major challenges of ABC and ensure sustainable development, enabling the success of more children.

  Exclusive Sponsorships : Junyi Academy Foundation


Course Description
        均一平台從教育大師杜威「民主與教育」的角度,邀請產、官、學,共同形塑 2030 年台灣的新民主與新教育樣貌。未來教育的核心,要能支撐科技、經濟、安全、對話與民主的升級與轉型,要能面對 ABC 三大挑戰,並且永續發展、成就更多孩子。
這次,均一邀請到了教育、政治和企業界的重要人物,除了AI x 教育界的重要夥伴外,也包含了蔡總統和三位不同政黨的總統候選人,以及Google台積電等指標企業。希望從國家的層次,一起來討論台灣教育的未來。這場論壇是專為所有台灣公民,以及政府、企業、NPO 辦理的行動型論壇,整合「未來人才與 AI」、「數位學習與 AI」、「偏鄉教育與 AI」、「創新教育與 AI」、「雙語教育與 AI」 五大未來教育路徑,為台灣創造能面對三大挑戰的途徑,也同時為孩子打造適才也適性的未來教育。

From the perspective of educational master John Dewey’s Democracy and Education, Junyi Academy invites industry, government, and academia to collaboratively shape the new democracy and education landscape of Taiwan in 2030. The core of future education must support the upgrading and transformation of technology, economy, security, communication, and democracy. It must be capable of facing the three major challenges of ABC and ensuring sustainable development, enabling the success of more children.

This time, Junyi has invited important figures from the fields of education, politics, and business. In addition to key partners from the AI and education sectors, this includes President Tsai Ing-wen, three presidential candidates from different political parties, and leading companies such as Google and TSMC. The goal is to discuss Taiwan’s educational future at the national level.

This forum is an action-oriented event organized for all Taiwanese citizens, as well as government, business, and NPO representatives. It integrates five major future education pathways related to AI: "Future Talent and AI," "Digital Learning and AI," "Rural Education and AI," "Innovative Education and AI," and "Bilingual Education and AI." The aim is to create pathways for Taiwan that can meet the three major challenges while also crafting a future education system that suits the talents and needs of every child.



Highlights of the Trend Forum

 5 大場次 × 14 位跨界講者,多元觀點激盪
 5 major sessions × 14 cross-sector speakers, sparking diverse perspectives.
 Inviting the current president and presidential candidates to discuss the future of education.
 Addressing the challenges and difficulties of Taiwans education system and collectively discussing solutions. 

趨勢論壇偏鄉教育與 AI 場 — 直播時間軸
Trend Forum: Rural Education and AI Session — Live Broadcast Timeline

 Time  Topic   Lecture   Information


朱芳君主播   台灣財經媒體主播
 Event Opening
Zhu Fang-jun  Taiwan Financial Media Anchor
15:15 |開場致詞|賴清德副總統
  Opening Remarks
Vice President Lai Ching-te
31:30|主題演講|REMOTE TAIWAN:呂冠緯 均一平台教育基金會董事長暨執行長
 Keynote SpeechREMOTE TAIWAN: Lu Guanwei, Chairman and CEO of Junyi Platform
  Education Foundation

Platform Function
Non-Cognitive Skills Platform
Development Introduction
58:40|趨勢論壇|劉安婷 |為台灣而教教育基金會董事長
 Trend Forum Liu An-ting | Chairperson of the Teach for Taiwan Education Foundation
  林國源 |花蓮縣立三民國中校長
  Lin Guo-yuan | Principal of Hualien County Sanmin Junior High School
  Li Zheng-xuan | Director-General of the Department of Information and
  Technology Education, Ministry of Education
  王慧蘭 |前屏東教育處處長
  Wang Hui-lan | Former Director of the Pingtung County Education Department

1:03:00|第 1 題|「校校有網路、生生用平板」的數位時代,解決了哪些問題?
 Question 1  還有哪些問題沒被解決?

 In the digital era of "Every school has internet, every student uses a tablet,"
  what problems have been solved?What problems remain unsolved?
1:06:50|第 2 題|在 AI 時代,數位工具要幫助教育現場,有甚麼困境與契機?
 Question 2In the AI era, what challenges and opportunities do digital tools present
   in supporting the educational field?
1:12:35|第 3AI 可以怎麼協助老師,甚至是學校的行政作業?
 Question 3
How can AI assist teachers, and even school administrative tasks?
1:19:00|第 4 題|善用數位的非認知平台,將為國家競爭力帶來甚麼願景?
 Question 4How will the effective use of a digital non-cognitive platform contribute
  to the nations competitiveness?
1:27:20|第 5 題|如何讓師培大學、教育體系工作者理解,甚至應用 AI 到教育現場?
 Question 5How can teacher training universities and education system workers
  understand and even apply AI in the education field?
1:32:25|第 6 題|CC 授權有助於教學資源更有效率的分享,讓「師師用優質內容;生生能有
 Question 6效學習」,下一步的建議與期許是甚麼?
  CC licensing helps to share educational resources more efficiently.
  With "teachers using quality content and students learning effectively," what are the next steps and expectations?
1:42:10|結語|三位與談人對偏鄉教育與 AI 議題的總結。
Summary from the three panelists on the topic of rural education and AI.
 Forum FeedbackLai Ching-te, Lu Guan-wei


Trend Forum Session Information

Session Main Focus                Topic
場次 一 |偏鄉教育與 AI|如何透過 AI,讓偏鄉和弱勢孩子有更多教育資源?
Session 1Rural Education and AIHow can AI provide more educational resources for rural and
disadvantaged children?
場次 二 |數位學習與 AI|AI 將為孩子的數位學習帶來什麼機會和挑戰?
Session 2Digital Learning and AI
What opportunities and challenges will AI bring to childrens digital learning?
場次 三 |創新教育與 AI| AI 時代的教育如何創新,幫助學生發現自我興趣和優勢?
Session 3Innovative EducationHow can education innovate in the AI era to help students discover their
 and AI 
interests and strengths?
場次 四
 |雙語教育與 AI|台灣的雙語教育,怎麼利用 AI 找到自己的路?
Session 4 Bilingual Education and AI 
How can Taiwan’s bilingual education system use AI to find its own path?
場次 五|人才發展與 AI| AI 浪潮下 ,台灣需要發展什麼人才和定位?
Session 5Talent DevelopmentUnder the AI wave, what kind of talent does Taiwan need to develop,
 and AI and how should it position itself?


【1/1 Calendar】開國紀念日New Year's Day (no class)   ♠   【1/3 Calendar】教師送繳113學年度第1學期成績截止Deadline for 2024 Fall Semester Grade Submission   ♠   【1/27 Calendar】春節彈性放假Holiday-Chinese New Year   ♠   【1/28 Calendar】除夕Chinese New Year’s Eve   ♠   【1/29-1/31 Calendar】春節(至31日止)Chinese New Year (1/29-1/31)   ♠   【1/31 Calendar】113學年度第1學期研究生論文口試結束Thesis Defense Ends   ♠   【2/13-3/2 Calendar】113學年度第2學期加退選開始(至3月2日止)Add-or-Drop Selection (2/13-3/2)   ♠   【2/21 Calendar】教師提出更改113學年度第1學期學生成績截止Deadline for 2024 Fall Semester Grade Adjustments   ♠   【3/22 Calendar】園徵才博覽會Career Fair   ♠   【4/2 Calendar】校際活動週(停課一日,課程由教師自行擇期補課)   ♠   【4/4 Calendar】兒童節、民族掃墓節Tomb Sweeping Day / Children's Day   ♠   【4/26 Calendar】校慶環校路跑Cross Country Long Distance Running   ♠   【4/27 Calendar】校慶活動日University Foundation Anniversary Celebration   ♠   【4/29 Calendar】校慶日University Foundation Day   ♠   【5/9-6/1 Calendar】教學意見調查開始(至6月1日止)Online Course Evaluation   ♠   【5/13-6/11 Calendar】114學年度轉系、轉所申請(至6月11日止)Application for Program Transfer   ♠   【5/15-5/24 Calendar】各系辦理大學申請入學甄試(至24日止,由各系自行指定日期並於招生簡章   ♠   【5/15-5/24 Calendar】各系辦理大學申請入學甄試(至24日止,由各系自行指定日期並於招生簡章   ♠   【5/16 Calendar】教師升等資料送人事室截止Deadline for Submission of Faculty   ♠   【5/25 Calendar】畢業典禮Commencement   ♠   【5/30 Calendar】端午節補假Holiday-Dragon Boat Festival (No Class)   ♠   【5/31 Calendar】端午節Dragon Boat Festival (No Class)   ♠   【5/31 Calendar】教師進修及休假研究申請案送人事室截止Deadline for Submission of   ♠   【6/9-6/11 Calendar】114學年度第1學期第1次選課開始(至11日止)1st Course Selection Period   ♠   【6/9 Calendar】教師送繳應屆畢業生113學年度第2學期成績截止Deadline for 2025   ♠   【6/9 Calendar】暑假開始Summer Vacation Begins   ♠