Neutron Diffusion and Moderation, Nuclear Reactor Theory (2 hours)
Chapter 7 The Time Dependent Reactor (12 hours)
7.1Classification of Time Problems
7.2Reactor Kinetics (4.5 hours)
7.3Control Rod and Chemical Shim (2.5 hours)
7.4Temperature Effect on Reactivity (1.5 hours)
7.5Fission Products Poisoning (2 hours)
7.6Core Properties during Lifetime (1.5 hours)
Chapter 8 Heat Removal from Nuclear Reactors (11 hours)
8.1 General Thermodynamic Consideration (1 hour)
8.2 Heat Generation in Reactors (1.5 hours)
8.3 Heat Flow by Conduction (1.5 hours)
8.4 Heat Transfer to Coolant (2 hours)
8.5 Boiling Heat Transfer (2.5 hours)
8.6 Thermal Design of a Reactor (2.5 hours)
Chapter 4 Nuclear Reactors and Nuclear Power (10 hours)
4.1Fission Chain Reactions
4.2Nuclear Reactor Fuel (2 hours)
4.3Non-Nuclear Components of Nuclear Power Plants (1.0 hours)
4.4Components of Nuclear Reactors (1.0 hours)
4.5Power Reactors and Nuclear Steam Supply System (4 hours)
4.6Nuclear Fuel Cycles (2 hours)
1. | S. Glassstone & A. Sesonake, “Nuclear Reactor Engineering”, 4th Ed. Chapman |
| & Hall, 1994 |
2. | E.E. Lewis, “Nuclear Power Reactor Safety”, 1977 |