【經歷】 | 青年光學工程獎章(2004) |
國立清華大學93傑出教學獎 | |
【網站】 | http://www.hope.nthu.edu.tw/ |
【授課】 | 電磁學、非線性光學、相對論光電子學-自由電子 |
雷射、光電工程 | |
【專長】 | 准相位匹配非線性光學、相對論光電子學、 |
波長可調雷射系統、非線性奈微光電元件、赫波雷射 |


This course is to introduce the basic concepts on electromagnetics, covering topics of transmission line, electrostatics, magnetostatics, time-varying field, plane waves etc. To be consistent with the modern trend of electrical engineering
General Information
This course is to introduce the basic concepts on electromagnetics, covering topics of transmission line, electrostatics, magnetostatics, time-varying field, plane waves etc. To be consistent with the modern trend of electrical engineering, I bring forward the transmission line to the beginning of the lecture. The content of transmission line is mostly adopted from the textbook by Ulaby. However, the same concepts are also given in the textbook by Cheng. This course will be lectured mostly in English and slightly in Chinese for clarity.
♠ | David K.Cheng, Field and Wave Electromagnetics 2nd Ed., |
Addison Wesley,1989. |
♠ | Fawwaz T.Ulaby, Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics 6th Ed, |