國立清華大統計學研究所 教授
美國密西根大學 博士
【經歷】 | 國立清華大學102與108校傑出教學獎 |
吳大猷紀念獎(2007) 年輕學者著作獎(2007) 台灣十大潛力人物(2007) | |
【網站】 | http://www.stat.nthu.edu.tw/~swcheng/ |
【授課】 | 機率論、線性模式、統計學、廣義線性模式、實驗設計與分析、 |
類別資料分析、品質工程、電腦實驗專題 | |
【專長】 | 實驗設計、工業設計 |
【經歷】 | 國立清華大學102與108校傑出教學獎 |
吳大猷紀念獎(2007) 年輕學者著作獎(2007) 台灣十大潛力人物(2007) | |
【網站】 | http://www.stat.nthu.edu.tw/~swcheng/ |
【授課】 | 機率論、線性模式、統計學、廣義線性模式、實驗設計與分析、 |
類別資料分析、品質工程、電腦實驗專題 | |
【專長】 | 實驗設計、工業設計 |
Explore your interests, prepare ahead, and get ahead of the curve! Want to pursue knowledge beyond textbooks? National Tsing Hua University's Open Courses have cultivated a forest of learning resources for you to explore!
Course outline |
The course will be given on the basis of 3 hours a week (Tuesday, 10~12 AM and Thursday, 11~12 AM) in 綜合三館 room 203. The materials for teaching will be regularly posted on the course website |
(http://www.stat.nthu.edu.tw/~swcheng/Teaching/math2810/). |
This course introduces students to useful and interesting ideas of the mathematical theory of probability, and to a number of applications of probability to a variety of fields including genetics, economics, geology, business, and engineering. The theory developed together with other mathematical tools such as combinatorics and calculus are applied to everyday problems. Concepts, calculations, and derivations are emphasized. Topics include the basic results and methods of both discrete and continuous probability theory: conditional probability, independent events, random variables, jointly distributed random variables, expectation, variance, covariance, and limit theorems. |
Textbook |
Ross, S. (2009), A First Course in Probability, 8th edition, Pearson Prentice Hall. |
* | Knowledge of Calculus. |