國立清華大學動力機械工程學系 特聘教授兼副校長
美國愛荷華大學材料工程 博士
【經歷】 | 清華大學動力機械工程學系特聘教授兼副校長 |
【教學】 | 國立清華大學71、75、80傑出教學獎 |
【網站】 | http://www.pme.nthu.edu.tw |
【授課】 | 應用力學、彈性力學、材料力學、動力學、機械工程實驗 |
【研究】 | 材料疲勞實驗與分析(金屬及複合材料 )、塑性力學、實驗力學 |
【經歷】 | 清華大學動力機械工程學系特聘教授兼副校長 |
【教學】 | 國立清華大學71、75、80傑出教學獎 |
【網站】 | http://www.pme.nthu.edu.tw |
【授課】 | 應用力學、彈性力學、材料力學、動力學、機械工程實驗 |
【研究】 | 材料疲勞實驗與分析(金屬及複合材料 )、塑性力學、實驗力學 |
♠ | 本課程為為兩學期的課程,應用力學一級二。 |
♠ | 本課程為固體力學之基礎,包含靜力學及動力學,以質點或剛體探討靜力平衡問 |
題及運動現象。內容詳見所附資料。 | |
♠ | This course is a two-semester sequence Applied Mechanics (I) and Applied Mechanics (II) |
This course is the basis of solid mechanics, including statics and dynamics, which explores the problem of static equilibrium and motion with particles and rigid bodies. The contents of the enclosed information. |
♠ | Vector Mechanics for Engineers-Statics |
♠ | Vector Mechanics for Engineers-Dynamics |
by Beer, Johnston, Jr., Mazurek and Eisenberg 9th Ed. in SI Units (2010) |
♠ | 上課講解,作業,助教晚上協助學生解答疑問。 |
♠ | 上課時並以口頭問答方式了解學生學習情況。 |
♠ | Lecture, assignments, and after-class review by teaching assistants. |
| Teacher may interact with students by giving oral questions in the class to acquire their learning progress. |
靜力學及動力學共18章,上學期應用力學一會上完靜力學10章及動力學11及12章,平均分配於整個學期,兩次期中考及一次期末考,另有不定期平常考。講授內容如下︰ | |
There are 18 chapters for Statics and Dynamics in total. In the first semester, the course will cover the whole part of Statics (Ch.1~Ch.10) and two chapters of Dynamics (Ch.11, Ch,12). There will be two midterms, a final, as well as random quizzes. The course outline is as follows: | |
1 | Introduction |
2 | Statics of Particles |
3 | Rigid Bodies : Equivalent System of Forces |
4 | Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies |
5 | Distributed Forces : Centroids and Centers of Gravity |
6 | Analysis of Structures |
7 | Forces in Beams and Cables |
8 | Friction |
9 | Distributed Forces : Moments of Inertia |
10 | Method of Virtual Work |
11 | Kinematics of Particles |
12 | Kinetics of Particles : Newton’s Second Law |