【榮譽】 | 國立清華大學95、99、102校傑出教學獎 |
【網站】 | https://reurl.cc/01abY9 |
【研究 | 統計場論 — 結合理論建模、數值模擬、機器學習等研究工具, |
興趣】 | 應用於凝態物理、材料科學、網絡動力學、計算神經科學、醫學影像分析 |
等研究課題。 |


如果說同學的筆記是上課的精華,那老師的筆記就是精華中的精華! 林秀豪教授的熱統計物筆記公布囉! 想知道幽默風趣的豪豬教授的筆記有多可愛嗎? 想 知道80分鐘的課程,是如何幻化成幽默的卡通語言嗎? Reading the essence of Thermal and Statistical Physics. Professor Hsiu-Hau Lin tells you the story of the 80 min. course with his fun cartoons notes.
♠ | Thermal Physics (second edition, 1980) by Kittel and Kroemer. |
一般來說,教科書最好不要太舊,才能跟上科學進展的腳步。很認真地讀了幾本新的教科書,發現 Kittel and Kroemer 寫的熱物理真是經典,也很對我的胃口。當然這和作者都在美國的加州大學任教無關,尤其與 Kroemer 在風光明媚的 Santa Barbara 教書這件事,特別沒有關係。
♠ | General Physics: Temperature, entropy and heat. Bolzmann distribution. |
Stationary states (energy levels) in quantum physics. Applied Math: Partial | |
differentiation. Probability theory. | |
熱統計物理所需的背景知識不多,如果你之前很混,這是你東山再起的好時機。但這並不是說這門課很容易,因為上課內容包含很多新觀念,所以需要相當多的時間才能消化。教科書後面的習題一定要做,不然你跟得上的機率很小。It doesn’t require much background information to learn Thermal and Statistical Physics, if you didn’t pay much attention in class before, it is your chance to start all over. And it is definitely not an easy course because there are so many new concepts. You need much time to understand the concepts and do the assignments at the back of the textbook, or it has slight chance for you to catch up in class.
♠ | 下列為預估上課進度與內容,實際進度將視上課狀況 |
調整,請定期瀏覽網頁上的最新消息與課程更新。 |
Week 1 | Sep 12 (Mon) 中秋節 Mid-Autumn Festival (Holiday) |
Sep 14 (Wed) L1: multiplicity (Chap 1) | |
Week 2 | Sep 19 (Mon) L2: binary model system (Chap 1) |
Sep 21 (Wed) L3: sharpness of multiplicity function (Chap 1) | |
Week 3 | Sep 26 (Mon) L4: most probable configuration (Chap 2) |
Sep 28 (Wed) Teacher's Day | |
Week 4 | Oct 3 (Mon) L5: temperature (Chap 2) |
Oct 5 (Wed) L6: entropy (Chap 2) | |
Week 5 | Oct 10 (Mon) National Day |
Oct 12 (Wed) L7: Boltzmann factor (Chap 3) | |
Week 6 | Oct 17 (Mon) L8: partition function (Chap 3) |
Oct 19 (Wed) L9: Helmholtz free energy (Chap 3) | |
Week 7 | Oct 24 (Mon) L10: Sackur-Tetrode equation (Chap 3) |
Oct 26 (Wed) 1st midterm (Chap 1-3) | |
Week 8 | Oct 31 (Mon) Exam questions review |
Nov 2 (Wed) L11: Planck radiation law (Chap 4) | |
Week 9 | Nov 7 (Mon) L12: electrical noise (Chap 4) |
Nov 9 (Wed) L13: phonon and Debye theory (Chap 4) | |
Week 10 | Nov 14 (Mon) L14: chemical potential (Chap 5) |
Nov 16 (Wed) Sports day (Holiday) | |