【經歷】 | Division of American and European Studies, |
Institute of International Relations, National Chengchi University Research Fellow, Institute of International Relations, National Chengchi University Ph.D, Political Science, the Purdue University. | |
【網站】 | http://cge.gec.nthu.edu.tw/faculty-2.html |
【授課】 | 美國政治、國際時事與英語溝通、第三世界政治、國際組織 |
【專長】 | 比較政治、國際關係、美國政治、非洲政治 |


Cannot receive the frequency of professor’s audio tone? Always faint on the tough course? Nonstop notes writing drives you crazy?Go to NTHU OCW website and find magicians to turn the boring classes interesting and easy to learn.老師上課語調與你的接收器頻率不對tone,越聽越不懂?艱澀的課程令人昏昏欲睡,抄的筆記更猶如鳳舞龍飛?別擔心,快到 清大開放式課程教學平台 尋找諸位能力高超的魔法師把原本無趣的課程變得 生動活潑 清楚易懂!
本課程的目標是 | |
(一) | 幫助學生熟悉國際時事,並擴大視野 |
help students to become familiar with international affairs, and expand the horizons | |
(二) | 透過對國際時事的討論,協助學生發展分析能力; |
through the discussion of international affairs, to help students develop the analytical ability; | |
(三) | 協助學生將其所學應用於日常生活的英語溝通中。 |
assist students in their learning in everyday life to communicate in English. |
♠ | 閱讀資料將取材於報章雜誌、學術期刊、及網際網路的報導。 |
Readings will be drawn from newspapers and magazines, academic journals, | |
and Internet reports. |
Important Sources
Everyone needs to participate in class discussion of reading which relates to the topic. And professor will help students to correct their pronunciation of words, and analysis plain the reading materials. Students can ask questions and participate in discussions at any time while they might be asked to answer questions. Seemingly, interaction will be the main mode in this course. Also, the participation is extremely important, and it will be a large proportion in the grade.
In order to let student to be familiar with the way of deciding final grade score, the professor will do some discussions two weeks before the end the semester. In this way, students will be able to know their learning results through qualitative examine. And then, they will be able to find way to improve learning results.
1. The Economist
2. The New York Times
3. The Washington Post
4. Christian Science Monitor
5. BBC News
Week 1 | The politics of repression in China |
What are they afraid of ? | |
The economy is booming and politics stable. Yet China’s leaders seem edgy. | |
Week 2 | Niger Capital Is Calm After Coup |
Niger : When is a Coup not a Coup? The AU’s Dilemma | |
Week 3 | Niger : When is a Coup not a Coup? The AU’s Dilemma |
Niger : A coup for democracy? | |
Week 4 | Armenian Genocide of 1915: An Overview |
Week 5 | Congress, Genocide and a Turkish Rift |
Past imperfect, present tense-Congress reconsiders America’s official position on the | |
Armenian genocide | |
Week 6 | Next Nobel Peace Prize: Turkey and Armenia? |
Moscow Attack a Test for Putin and His Record Against Terror | |
Week 7 | Dagestan suicide bombings have Russia looking to Putin |
Week 8 | Dagestan suicide bombings have Russia looking to Putin |
Moscow Attack a Test for Putin and His Record Against Terror | |
Week 9 | The Kremlin’s post-Chechnya challenge |
Week10 | Using Taiwan Test Scores to Apply to Mainland Universities |
Week11 | Taiwan should open its doors to Chinese students, university presidents say |
Taiwan MPs scuffle over Chinese student enrolment | |
Week12 | The options for a hung parliament |
who runs Britain? | |
Week13 | Who runs Britain? |
British election: What it means for the UK and the US | |
Week14 | A polity imploding |
Week 15 | Review Questions |
A polity imploding |