【經歷】 | 國立自然科學博物館館長 |
國立清華大學教務處副教務長 / 教務長 | |
國立清華大學教學發展中心主任 | |
【榮譽】 | 國立清華大學94、97、100校傑出教學獎 |
【網站】 | http://life.nthu.edu.tw/~ccchiao/homepage.htm |
【授課】 | 生命科學、當代認知神經科學:腦與心智、 細胞神經科學、 |
行為認知與心理學、系統神經科學 | |
【專長】 | 神經科學、視覺生理 |


Course Description
Brain science is the most important research area in 21st century and cellular neuroscience is the basis of brain science. In this course, we are going to introduce the structures and functions of neural network which is a basic but important course in between cellular neuroscience and cognitive neuroscience. This course will be specifically focusing on the sensory nervous system and motor nervous system. With the explanation of important concepts and the analysis of experimental data, we expect the students to understand the basic rules of how the nervous system operates.
♠ | 具備生物學基本概念即可! |
Basic biological concepts! |
♠ | Eric R. Kandel, James H. Schwartz, Thomas M. Jessell, Steven A. |
Siegelbaum and A. J. Hudspeth, Principles of Neural Science, 5th Ed., 2012 | |
♠ | 特別感謝書商麥格羅﹒希爾(McGraw-Hill) |
提供書籍圖片授權以俾進行影片製作,以下為此書籍之連結資訊! |
♠ Week 1 | Organization of the nervous systems |
♠ Week 2. | Sensation and perception: touch and pain |
♠ Week 3 | Sensation and perception: vision I |
♠ Week 4. | Sensation and perception: vision II |
♠ Week 5. | Sensation and perception: audition, olfaction, and gustation |
♠ Week 6 | Movement and action: peripheral mechanisms |
♠ Week 7 | Movement and action: central control |
♠ Week 8 | Movement and action: coordination and planning |