國立清華大學經濟學系 特聘講座教授
美國密西根大學經濟學 博士
【學歷】 | 美國密西根大學經濟學系碩士(1983)、博士(1985) |
臺灣大學商學系工管組學士(1978) | |
【專長】 | 經濟、法律學 |
【榮譽】 | 國科會傑出獎(1989-1996) |
教育部學術獎(1991) | |
傑出人才基金會傑出人才講座(1995-2000) 教育部國家講座(1998) 中央研究院院士(1998) 總統科學獎(2003) 世界科學院院士(2010) 美國國家科學院外籍院士(2017) |
【學歷】 | 美國密西根大學經濟學系碩士(1983)、博士(1985) |
臺灣大學商學系工管組學士(1978) | |
【專長】 | 經濟、法律學 |
【榮譽】 | 國科會傑出獎(1989-1996) |
教育部學術獎(1991) | |
傑出人才基金會傑出人才講座(1995-2000) 教育部國家講座(1998) 中央研究院院士(1998) 總統科學獎(2003) 世界科學院院士(2010) 美國國家科學院外籍院士(2017) |
Course Description
This course intends to start from microeconomic concepts and help students to learn different fields. In addition to economics, this course is going to make connections across multiple disciplines such as law, evolutionary biology, and international relations, hoping to help non-finance undergraduate students understand how economic concepts can be applied to multi-faceted problem analysis.
♠ | 教師講授 2 小時,助教帶討論 1 小時。 |
The teacher teaches for 2 hours, and the teaching assistant leads a discussion for 1 hour. | |
♠ | 每週一個課題。助教帶課題討論,每 50 人一班。 |
We focus on one topic every week. The teaching assistant will lead a discussion of topics. There are 50 students per class. |
Course Information
♠ | 上課時間:每周三、第5堂至第7堂 (13:20-16:20) |
Class time: Every Wednesday from 5th period to 7th period (13:20-16:20) | |
♠ | 上課地點:台積館 - 孫運璿演講廰 (111教室) |
Class location: Sun Yun-Suan Lecture Hall of TSMC building (Classroom 111) |
♠ | Part I:市場失靈與永續發展 |
Market failure and sustainable development | |
- 在市場失靈與政府失靈之間 - 從永續發展理念,解析「九二共識」的衍生應對 Between market failure and government failure Analyze the derivative response of the "1992 Consensus" from the concept of sustainable development | |
♠ | Part II:資訊經濟學 |
Information Economics | |
- 孔雀開屏在傳遞甚麼訊息? - 家族控股金字塔的訊息不對稱 - 大學校長遴選的「反向選擇」問題 What message is peacock’s display sending? The asymmetry message of the pyramid of family stock holdings " Adverse selection " problem in the selection of university presidents | |
♠ | Part III:家庭在經濟中扮演的角色 |
The role of the family in the economy | |
- 股票投資,為什麼女性比男性厲害? - 土地投資,為什麼男性比女性的報酬率高? Stock investment, why are women better than men? Land investment, why do men have higher returns than women? | |
♠ | Part IV:經濟轉型與經濟困境 |
Economic Transformation and Economic Dilemma | |
- 中國與蘇聯不同的轉型策略 - 從韜光養晦到一帶一路 Different transformation strategies between China and the Soviet Union From keeping a low profile to the Belt and Road Initiative | |
♠ | Part V:不完全競爭市場 |
Incompletely competitive market | |
- 陸域風電與離岸風電背後的不同賽局 - 為什麼 Amazon 拿不下紅白葡萄酒的零售市場? Different games behind onshore wind power and offshore wind power Why can't Amazon win the retail market for red and white wine? | |
♠ | Part VI:國際金融 |
International finance | |
- 台灣的外匯存底 - 歐債危機是怎麼回事? | |
Taiwan's foreign exchange deposit What happened to the European debt crisis? | |