【校內專職】 | ● 清大資工系 講座教授 (2006.8 - present) ● 清大資工系 教授 (1991.8 – 2006.7) ● 清大資工系 副教授 (1987.8 - 1991.7) |
【校內兼職】 | ● 清大電機資訊學院 代理院長 (2007.2 – 2007.4) ● 清大研究發展處 研發長 (2006.8 – 2010.1) ● 清大圖書館 館長 (1998.2 – 1998.7) ● 清大計算機中心 主任 (1998.2 – 1998.7) ● 清大秘書室主任 秘書 (1997.10 –1998.1) |
【校外兼職】 | ● 社團法人台灣積體電路設計學會 理事長 (2004.9 – 2006.8) ● 創意電子股份有限公司 共同創辦人、技術長 |
【榮譽】 | ● 教育部公費留學生 (1982) ● 國科會傑出研究獎 (1992-93, 1994-95, 1996-1997) |
【網站】 | ● http://www.cs.nthu.edu.tw/~ylin/ |
【教學】 | ● 電路與電子學、計算機輔助設計、 數位邏輯設計 |
【專長】 | ● 研究設計自動化、積體電路設計 |


This course is intended for 2nd-year undergraduates in the computer science and other engineering department. In this course, we focus on two main topics, electronics and circuits.
Description of the course
This course is intended for 2nd-year undergraduates in the computer science and other engineering department. In this course, we focus on two main topics, electronics and circuits. To give students better understanding of the models and circuits of the electronics devices, we will introduce the basic concepts of electric circuits first. It starts from the definition of current, voltage, power and energy. Then it covers the basic circuit components including resister, capacitor, and inductor. We also discuss the basic circuit analysis, such as nodal analysis of resistive circuits, transients in electrical circuits and sinusoidal steady-state circuit behavior.
For electronics section, we will present the diode and MOS field-effect transistor. We will use simple models to describe these electronic devices and their I-V characteristics. Since the majority of electronic circuits today are designed as integrated circuits (ICs),we will discuss how to analyze and design the basic elements of integrated circuits with the emphasis on digital logic designs.
Course Material
♠ | "Electrical Engineering - Principles and Applications",by Allan R. Hambley, 5th Edition. |
Teaching Method
♠ Lecture and discussion.
Chapter | 1 | Introduction |
Chapter | 2 | Resistive Circuits |
Chapter | 3 | Inductance and Capacitance |
Chapter | 4 | Transients |
Chapter | 5 | Steady-State Sinusoidal Analysis |
Chapter | 6 | Frequency Plots, Bode Plots, and Resonance |
Chapter | 10 | Diodes |
Chapter | 12 | Field-Effect Transistors |
Chapter | 11 | Amplifiers : Specifications and External Characteristics |