NTHU Open Courses Ware has planted a learning-material forest, now it’s waiting for you to explore! Now, go into the OCW forest, and taste the sweetest knowledge fruits.
Outline of this course
This course is a continuation of control systems (I). It particularly provides the students with basic knowledge in statespace design, digital control and nonlinear systems. As for the state-space design, it begins with reviewing linear-algebra fundamentals and introducing state-space description of linear systems. Students will then learn how to design full-state feedback and estimator of the control system. In digital control, ztransform will be introduced first and controller design using digital equivalents will then be covered. Finally, we will introduce some basic analysis and design tools for nonlinear control systems.
♠ | Engineering Mathematics (工程數學) |
♠ | Control Systems (I) (控制系統一) |
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Course Contents
1 | Mathematical Foundation – Linear Algebra |
2 | State-space Description of Linear Systems |
3 | Full-state Feedback and Estimator Design |
4 | Compensator Design |
5 | Z-transform |
6 | Design Using Discrete Equivalents and Discrete Design |
7 | Linearization |
8 | Analysis of Nonlinear Systems |
Text Book