【榮譽】 | 國立清華大學101、104、108年校傑出教學獎 |
【研究】 | 凝態理論 |
圖案形成/型態學 奈米計算材料科學 非線性物理 (生物諧振子同步化現象、生物物理) 高分子物理 |


Human are curious about how things changed with the times and environment. How can we use physics to figure out the change of things or promote new ideas based on systematic observation? How can we develop the logics and method of doing research? These are the course purposes of General Physics.
Description of the course
Course Material
♠ | 物理學系吳國安教授教學投影片 |
Lecture notes (PPT) from Dr. Wu,Kuo-An (Dept. of Physics) |
1. | The Feynman Lectures on Physics |
2. | "Physics", Volume1, by R.Resnick, D.Halliday, and K. S. Krane. |
3. | "University Physics", 2nd revised edition by H. Benson. |
♠ | 對生活中的物理現象有好奇心者,敬邀您一同探索日常生活中物理的奧秘! |
This course is for people who have curiosity for anything or everything! |
♠ | 課程共 13章節,每一章節包含數個單元。 |
This course consists of 13 chapters; each chapter includes several segments. | |
♠ | 每單元為10~15分鐘的教學影片,針對單一概念講解,透過例題熟悉單元重點。 |
Each segment contains a 10-to-15-minitue video and focuses on a specific physics topic. | |
♠ | 全程由授課教師精製之投影片,最佳化課程單元影片,提供融會貫通之學習效果。 |
This course offers PPTs that are available for downloading. | |
♠ | 著重物理定律背後的意義,及思索問題的邏輯性與一致性,在課堂外,希冀能思辨 |
促進不同問題之間的共通性,舉一反三,解決問題。 | |
This course emphasizes the reasoning of physical laws and nurturing the logical reasoning | |
ability, so that students can apply this training to solve problems outside the classroom. |
What do you expect to learn in this course
1. | 動態系統與向量力學 Dynamical Systems & Vector Mechanics |
—從牛頓力學談起(向量力學) | |
2. | 功與能Work & Energy |
— 純量的角度來思考牛頓定律 | |
3. | 位能與力學能守恆 Potential Energy & Conservation of Mechanical Energy |
—純量力學好簡單 | |
4. | 線性動量 Linear Momentum |
—守恆量與物理問題的簡化 Conservation Laws and How do They Simplify Physical Problems | |
5. | 多粒子系統 Many-particle System |
— 邁向真實世界的第一步 The First Step Towards The Real World | |
6. | 剛體轉動 Rigid-body Rotation |
— 如何設計容易轉動的輪子 A possible new design for Wheels | |
7. | 角動量 Angular Momentum |
— 如何設計容易轉動的輪子 A Possible New Design for Wheels | |
8. | 重力與行星運動 Gravity & Planetary Motion |
— 不會砸落在牛頓頭上的月球(但是蘋果會) The Moon Doesn*t Fall on Newton*s Head, but Apples Do. | |
9. | 固體與流體 Solid and Fluid |
— 巨觀的物理世界 The Macro-scopic Physical Word | |
10. | 振盪 Oscillation |
— 彈簧振盪*單擺運動*金融市場有關係嗎? Is There a Common Feature for Spring Oscillator, Pendulum and Financial Marker? | |
11. | 波動(力學波) Waves (Mechanical Waves) |
—力學波的普世性 The Universality of Mechanical Waves. | |
12. | 聲波 Sound Waves |
— 假人的聲波 Sound waves for dummies | |
13. | 特殊相對論 Special Relativity |
— 站在月台上的你似乎瘦了?! |