國立清華大學教育與學習科技學系 教授
國立台灣師範大學教育研究所 博士
尋找興趣,提早準備,贏在起跑點!!想追求更多課本以外的專業知識嗎? 清華大學開放式課程為你種植了一座學習資源森林,等你來探索!現在就走進開放式課程的森林,品嚐最甜美的知識果實!
Course content
Week1 | | Introduce the curriculum and how it can become a research field |
Week2 | | The curriculums contextually and the introduction of the grade 1-9 curriculums |
Week3 | | Understand the test notes of curriculum developments. |
Week4 | | The conceptions and constrictions of the curriculum design |
Week5 | | The introduction of the multiple intelligences theory |
Week6 | | J. Goodlad ideological curriculum changing levels |
Week7 | | Introduce the curriculum practices and the development process |
Week8 | | Introduce the curriculum evaluation of developments |
Week9 | | Analyze Bo Ai Elementary School’s curriculum |
第一週 |
◆課程的意涵 ◆課程發展階段及意義 ◆課程層級 |
◆Introduce the curriculum and why it can become a research field ◆The meaning of curriculums ◆The curriculums’ development levels and meanings ◆The curriculums' development level |
第二週 |
◆課程脈絡及九年一貫課程介紹 ◆九年一貫課程介紹 ◆九年一貫課程介紹及探討 |
◆The curriculums contextually and the introduction of the grade 1-9 curriculum ◆The introduction of the grade 1-9 curriculum courses ◆The introduction and discussion of the grade 1-9 curriculum courses |
第三週 |
◆了解課程發展的應考須知,介紹課程發展由來,並且探討巴比特之理論架 構。 ◆教師在課程中的角色及相關理論 ◆不同學者對課程的影響及現場教育理念的落實 ◆分享教師與課程的故事 ◆教師與課程及教育改革 ◆教育改革及關懷教育學 |
◆Understand the test notes of curriculum developments. Introduce the origin of curriculum developments. Discuss the constriction of Bobbitt’s Theory ◆The role teachers play in the curriculum and related theories ◆The curriculum influences from different scholars and practice in the classes ◆Share stories about teachers and curriculums ◆The teachers and curriculums and the educational innovation ◆The educational innovation and Noddings' Care Pedagogy |
第四週 |
◆課程設計概念及結構 ◆課程結構之潛在課程與空無課程 ◆課程結構之樸素課程 ◆學生分享課程經驗 ◆本位課程之意義發展與類型 ◆介紹學校本位課程的類型與中央集權課程作比較。 ◆比較學校本位課程與中央集權課程之差別 |
◆The conceptions and constrictions of the curriculum design ◆The curriculum constrictions of the latent courses and empties courses ◆The curriculum constrictions and the plain curriculum ◆Students share the curriculum experiences ◆The meaning developments and types of the school-based curriculum ◆Introduce the types of the school-based curriculum and compare with the centralization curriculum ◆Compare the school-based curriculum with the centralization curriculum |
第五週 |
◆介紹多元智能理論 ◆探討影響老師課程發展與設計的因素並思考班級的教學問題。 ◆思考教學問題與課程設計及如何設計課程. ◆課程設計模式 |
◆Discuss the reasons that affect teachers’ curriculum development and design and thinking about the classes teaching questions ◆Thinking about the teaching questions and the curriculum design and how to design curriculums |
第六週 |
◆探討古德拉的相關論述介紹課程改革模式,進而提出老師的理想課程。 ◆探討走閃、課程目標與選擇 ◆介紹課程選擇和教學方法的選擇 ◆介紹組織的規準及應用,探討課程評鑑。 ◆探討理論與現實的落差介紹教育思想家-杜威。 |
◆Discuss J. Goodlad ideological curriculum and introduce the operational curriculum. Try to give teachers the ideal curriculum ◆Discuss the curriculum goals and the choices ◆Introduce the curriculum choices and the choices of teaching methods ◆Introduce the rules and applications of the organizations and discuss the curriculum evaluation ◆Discuss the different of theories and practice and introduce the educationist John Dewey |
第七週 |
◆介紹課程實施觀點以及發展過程。 |
◆Introduce the views of the curriculum practices and the development process |
第八週 |
◆介紹課程評鑑的發展、意義、層級,探討教師評鑑,提出評鑑新概念-賦權增 能。 |
◆Introduce the developments, meanings, and levels of curriculum evaluation. Discuss teachers’ evaluation and give the new conception—the empowerment |
第九週 |
◆博愛國小的校本課程,並加以分析。 ◆性別平等教育的課程設計與架構。 |
◆Analyze Bo Ai Elementary School’s curriculum ◆The curriculum design and construction of the Gender Equity Education. |