【經歷】 | 中華心理學刊編輯委員(2014~) |
【網站】 | http://ils.nthu.edu.tw/bin/home.php |
【授課】 | 學習心理與文化、質性研究、心理學與現代生活、華人本土心理學 |
【專長】 | 人際和諧與人際衝突、自我與集體自我、華人之忍、思維及自我控制、 |
身體意識身體自主及性騷擾、文化與學習 | |


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Huang Li Li/Areas of expertise
♠ | Tsing Hua University, General Education-cum-teacher training center full-time |
professor National Taiwan University, Doctor of PsychologyAdjunct Professor of Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University Psychological Society in Taiwan "Journal of Experimental Psychology" chief editor Convener of Taiwan Psychological Association Personality of Social Psychology. | |
♠ | 華人本土心理學、人格 / 社會心理學、性別心理學、人際和諧與人際衝突 |
( 家庭內、組織內及群際間 )、自我與集體自我 ( 族群意識與認同、性別意識與認同)、華人之忍、思維及自我控制、身體意識、身體自主及性騷擾 |
Course Description
♠ | 心理學是人類試圖反思認識自己的學科之一。人的心理與行為具有生物生理的面 |
相,同時也受到社會文化環境所影響。生命個體之中糾纏著認知與情緒,有理性的一面,也有感性的一面,心理學探討的正是這些心理的機制與前因後果。本課程將介紹當代心理學的知識體系與分枝,探討人類心靈、心智與行為現象,從而提供每個人對日常生活中各生命展演之理解與導引。 | |
♠ | Chinese indigenous psychology, personality / social psychology, |
gender psychology, wholesale replica handbags interpersonalChinese indigenous psychology, personality / social psychology, gender psychology, wholesale replica handbags interpersonal harmony and interpersonal conflict (family, organization and group), self and collective self (ethnic consciousness and identity, gender awareness and recognition), the Chinese forbearance, thinking and self-control, body awareness, their own bodies and sexual harassment Psychology is a discipline that humans attempt to reflect understand themselves. Human psychology and behavior have an aspect of bio-physiologyand are also influenced by social and cultural environment. Individuals of life are entangled by cognition and emotion, which include the rational and sensational sides. Psychology explores these psychological mechanisms and the causes and consequences. This course will introduce the knowledge system and branches of contemporary psychology, explore human mind, mental and behavioral phenomena, and provide understanding and guidance of each person’s life performances of daily life. | |
♠ | Pathways to Psychology. By Sternberg, R. J.(中文版)雙葉書廊出版 |
Pathways, published to Psychology By Sternberg, RJ (Chinese Edition) Yeh Yeh Book Gallery |
Teaching Method
♠ | 課堂講授、影片。 |
Lectures, films. |
♠ | 心理學可以告訴你什麼?(大腦神經影片) |
What can psychology tell you? (Brain film) | |
♠ | 破滅的浪漫史-演化心理學的故事(大腦迷思與腦側化影片) |
Burst of romantic history - evolutionary psychology story | |
(brain myth, and the brain side of the film) | |
♠ | 人不是活在真空中-個體行為如何受他人影響(權威服從) |
Witch and the girl’s replica louis vuitton boundaries - the phenomenology of | |
perception and the reality (perception of the film) | |
♠ | 清醒與夢境世界有何不同-人類的意識之謎(意識影片) |
The difference between waking and dream world - the mystery of human | |
consciousness (awareness film) | |
♠ | 人類如何從白紙開始-學習的法則 |
How humans start from the zero- The rule of learning | |
♠ | 人腦與電腦相似嗎-人類的記憶(記憶影片) |
Are Human brain and computer similar- human memory (memory video) | |
♠ | 人真的理性嗎-思考與問題解決的侷限與突破(白癡學者影片) |
Are people really rational - the limitations and breakthrough of thinking and problem solving (idiot scholar film) | |