國立清華大學設計學院 兼任教授


尋找興趣,提早準備,贏在起跑點!!想追求更多課本以外的專業知識嗎? 清華大學開放式課程為你種植了一座學習資源森林,等你來探索!現在就走進開放式課程的森林,品嚐最甜美的知識果實!
Course Target
圖像裡頭有沒有躲著文字? 文字裡頭有沒有躲著圖像?可是文字與圖像都是符號也是工具,它們的背後又藏著什麼?圖文創作課程並不著眼於學生的圖畫技巧,也不在訓練學生成為圖文作家。而是讓學生更細膩的認識圖文,進而能夠巧妙的運用圖像邏輯與文字邏輯 ,來思考。另外藉由課堂的講解與互動、作品欣賞、以及作業的實際演練,除了強化創意與創作的能力,更重要是,能夠啟發自我思維的獨特性。
Do any words hide in the pictures? Do any pictures hide in the words? But words and pictures are both signs and skills, what do they hide? The pictures and words creation courses neither focus on students painting skills nor train them to became a graphic writer. However, this course let students know the picutres and words by using serious observation, having the abilities to apply the picture logically and the words logically in order to think.Besides, by the course’s lecture, interaction, works views, and work exercise, that enhen the creation and inspire the self-thought and the unique.
♠ | 想認識或瞭解圖文創作者 |
someone who wants to know or understand the graphic writer | |
♠ | 想激發設計插圖創意者 |
someone who wants to inspire the picture designer | |
♠ | 自我進修學習者 |
someone who wants to do self-learning |
第1講 | |
| ◆工業革命的齒輪開尺轉動之後,對人類有利還是有害? |
◆說明何謂創意?如何找到創作的公式。解析作品。 ◆作品解析,說明如何運用素材創作。 | |
◆After the gear wheel of the industrial revolution opened, is it good of bad things for human beings? ◆What is a creation? How to find the rule of a creation?Analyze the works. ◆ Analyze the works and explain how to use the sourcematerial to create. ◆ Analyze the works. Explain “the pictures” play the roles and how to use the colors. | |
第2講 | |
| ◆作品解析,從文字找到插圖適合的風格 |
◆插圖的妙用 ◆圖與文之間的和諧關係 ◆作品解析 ◆創作故事,主題設定 | |
◆Analyze the works and find the suitable picture stylesfrom words ◆the well-used illustrations ◆the good relationship between pictures and words ◆Analyze the works. | |