國立清華大學幼兒教育學系 兼任教授
國立清華大學幼兒教育學系 兼任教授
尋找興趣,提早準備,贏在起跑點!!想追求更多課本以外的專業知識嗎? 清華大學開放式課程為你種植了一座學習資源森林,等你來探索!現在就走進開放式課程的森林,品嚐最甜美的知識果實!
If you are seek for your interests, then prepare advanced so that you can lead the race right at starting line! Do you want to pursue more professional knowledge outside the textbooks? NTHU Open Courses Ware has provided a great number of learning-materials, now it’s time for you to explore! So, go to the OCW now, and enjoy utmost in it!
講 次 | 教 學 內 容 |
第一講 | 1.緣起_簡介大綱 |
Introduction and Outline | |
2.別人家的孩子如何長大 | |
How Children in Other Families Grow Up | |
第二講 | 3.國文科互動式教學的理論基礎與實施步驟 |
Theoretical Foundation and Implementation Steps of Interactive Teaching | |
in Chinese Language Subject | |
第三講 | 4.請將師生的寶貴精力花在「刀口」上 |
Please spend the energies of teachers and students on the important things. | |
第四講 | 5.高中國文互動式教學的多元、趣味氛圍 |
Diverse and Fun Atmosphere in Interactive Teaching of High School Chinese Language | |
6落實「多元價值觀」的評量實例 | |
Implementation of Assessment Examples with "Diverse Values" | |
第五講 | 學生回饋 ⁄ 甘昀騏 |
Student Feedback / Gan Yunqi | |
學生回饋 ⁄ 陳方隅 | |
Student Feedback / Chen Fangyu | |
第六講 | 韓愈.祭十二郎文(上課影片) |
Han Yu - "Sacrifice to the Spirit of Twelve Boys" [Class Video] | |
第七講 | 心得報告-范仲淹.岳陽樓記 |
The reflection of Fan Zhongyan “Renovation of the Yueyang Building” | |