想要在新興能源範疇中領先群雄?想要在光電工程領域裡大放異彩?你的機會就在NTHU OCW 的光電工程導論中!【幽默風趣的課程內容】【獨樹一格的切入觀點】【別出心裁的教材編排】文質彬彬的黃承彬教授要引領您體驗最不一樣的光電工程! 彬彬光電,優質教學!想在在光電領域搶得先機,就是現在! Would you like to take the lead in rising energy filed? Would you like to show your talents in optoelectronics filed? Your opportunity is in the introduction to Optoelectronic Engineering at NTHU OCW.! Interesting contents, unique perspectives, and creative teaching materials—Dr. Huang, Cheng-Pin will lead you to experience the most special optoelectronics! If you want to seize the initiative, now is the time!
Course Description
The main purpose of this course is to make students learn the background theory of photoelectric phenomenon everywhere in our daily life and how human use electric signal to control the light. This course will start with wave optics to understand the transfer characteristic of electromagnetic radiation, and clearly learn scattering, interference, and diffraction.
The second part of this course will elaborate detailed polarization characteristics, and extend to the third part—to introduce the function and design theory of functional optoelectronic devices.
♠ | 微積分一與二、工程數學、電磁學 |
| Calculus (I)(II), Engineering Mathematics, Electromagnetism |
♠ | Jenkins and White, Fundamentals of Optics, 4th ed,McGraw Hill (2001). |
| Hecht, Optics, 4th ed., Addison Wesley (2001). |
♠ | Yariv and Yeh, Optical Waves in Crystals, Wiley (1984) |
♠ | Kasap, Optoelectronics and Photonics, Prentice Hall (2001) |
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Syllabus/Teaching Method
周 次 | 授 課 大 綱 |
Week1 | 基本電磁學 |
| Basic Electromagnetism |
Week2 | 平面波傳遞: 反射與折射 |
| Plane Wave Transfer: Reflected & Refraction |
Week3 | 同調性與干涉 |
| Coherence & Interference |
Week4 | 散射、繞射與輻射 |
| Scattering, Diffraction and Radiation |
Week5 | 色散基本概念 |
| The Fundamental Concept of Chromatic Dispersion |
Week6 | 偏振態與Jones 表示法、雙折射 |
| Polarization and Jones Notation, Birefringence |
Week7 | 雙折射、光學偏振元件 |
| Birefringence, Polarizing Element |
Week8 | 調制器、光偵測器 |
| Demodulator, Light Detector |
Week9 | 光偵測器、雷射與光放大器 |
| Light Detector, Laser and Light Amplifier |
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