國立清華大學動力機械工程系 教授
國立清華大學動力機械工程學系 博士
【教學】 | 國立清華大學94學年傑出教學獎 |
【經歷】 | 2005 年國家發明創作獎 - 創作金牌獎 |
| 2010 年國家發明創作獎 - 發明金牌獎 2013 年國家產業創新獎 - 關鍵技術菁英獎 |
【網站】 | http://pme.site.nthu.edu.tw |
【授課】 | 工程圖學、機械設計製圖 |
【專長】 | 電腦輔助機械設計 |
課程的撰寫重點在於:將工程實務、圖學理論、工具軟體三者結合成為一體,以迎接新世代的電腦輔助設計與繪圖....The key point of this course is the combination of engineering practice, graphical theory, and software tools in order to deal with the computer-aided design and drawing in the new generation...
Course Description
The key point of this course is the combination of engineering practice, graphical theory, and software tools in order to deal with the computer-aided design and drawing in the new generation. Traditional graphics emphasize the introduction to basic drafting and graphics theory and the concept explanation and drafting of front view and pictorial view, which puts more emphasis on drawing rules and theory explanation. Traditional courses of computer-aided design graphic software highlight the operation of the software as a focus, supplemented with drawing according to graphic examples. However, as the development of the computer-aided design graphic software, how to properly merge the basic graphics and computer-aided design graphic software is already being a top priority.
因此,本課程特色將朝以下的目標發展:從設計實務的觀點,進行圖學理論的介紹,清晰表達圖學的 內涵;從軟體應用的觀點,進行設計繪圖的操作,完整發揮軟體的特色;並進一步加以整合構成電腦輔助設計圖學,並規劃實際之計畫範例,進行整合的工作,期使本課程能夠成為兼具學術及工程價值。
Therefore, the feature of this course will follow the target: from the aspect of design practice, we will introduce the graphic theory and express the clear image of graphics; from the viewpoint of software application, we will do the design drafting and make the use of characteristics of the software; moreover, we will integrate the above concepts to CAD graphics and plan the practical examples to do the integration. Look forward to making this course have both academic and engineering values.
本課程由設計繪圖的實務觀點開始圖學的簡介;接著,對圖學的規範進行系列的介紹,以建立深厚的圖學基礎,包括基礎圖學內容之工程圖的標準、線條的種類與用途、正投影、立體圖與三視圖、剖面圖、尺寸標註、公差與配合...等等; 然後,便是電腦輔助設計繪圖軟體AutoCAD的操作基礎培訓,此乃經由系統性的分類及整理,從基本之繪 圖編輯指令示範,發展到高階之應用指令介紹;之後,便是應用幾何與投影幾何的解說,至此建立起設計圖學與繪圖軟體之根基;緊接著,進行電腦輔助設計製圖的整合,從平面的正投影圖繪製,一直到立體之等角圖、斜視圖,以及透視圖的電腦輔助繪製;最後,並另以獨立之章節,透過實際設計範例,展現項電腦輔助製圖觀念與技巧的應用成果,期使能夠兼顧理論與實務。
This course starts with the introduction to graphics from the perspective of practical design graphic. Next, in order to set up a concrete graphics foundation, it continues with a series of introduction to the rules of graphics, including the basic graphic contents-- the standard of engineering graph, the category and function of lines, orthographic projection, 3D view and 3 view drawing, sectional view, dimensioning, limits and fits, etc. And then, it provides the basic operation training of CAD graphic software AutoCAD, which is systematically classified into the parts, from the demonstration of fundamental drawing editing instruction to the introduction of high-level applied command. Afterwards, to build the basis of design drawing, it goes on with the explanation of graphic geometry and descriptive geometry. Furthermore, it comes to the integration of CAD graphic, which is from the drawing of 2D orthographic drawing to the 3D isometric, oblique and perspective drawing. Last but not least, with an independent chapter, we will show the applied results of computer-aided graphic concepts and skills through practical designs and examples, hoping to learn not only from the theory but also the practice.
Teaching Method