【榮譽】 | 國立清華大學81、86、96校傑出教學獎 |
【經歷】 | 國立清華大學電資院院長 |
【網站】 | http://www.cs.nthu.edu.tw/~nfhuang/ |
【授課】 | 作業系統、高速電腦網路、計算機網路概論 |
【專長】 | P2P 影音分享技術、網路安全、高效能交換器/ |
路徑器、無線網路、光波網路 (WDM) |


中國製造業首富何享健先生曾說:成功無法複製、失敗可以避免。黃能富教授現正提供計算機網路概論課程讓您未來在職場上能夠保持競爭力,與成功更近,與失敗遠離。The wealthiest person in China manufacturing industry Xiangjian He once said “ We can’t duplicate success, but we can avoid failure.”Professor Huang Nen-fu’s Introduction to Computer Networks course makes you be stronger in work
Course Description
本課程介紹多種當今市場上最重要之區域網路 (Local Area Networks) 之運作原理,以使同學對於區域網路有基礎之認識。
This course will introduce various important principles of Local Area Networks in modern market, and let students learn basic knowledge of Local Area Networks.
♠ | 以講義為主 / Handouts |
1. | 區域網路與高速網路黃能富著,維科出版社。 |
Local Area Networks and High-Speed Networks, Nen-Fu Huang, Wei-Keg Book Co.,Ltd | |
2. | 關雜誌/期刊之文章與報導。 |
Related Magazines, Journals, Articles, and Reports | |
Teaching Method
♠ | 除每週三小時之上課外,本課程亦規劃由同學分組進行專題實作, |
藉以培養同學動手作(寫網路程式)之經驗其專題題目初步規劃如下: | |
Besides 3-hour course per week, this course asks students to make a project in group in order to train students’ practical ability to write a program. | |
Provisional topics of the projects are as followed. |
1. | 網路封包監視器(練習從網路卡收取封包) |
Network Packet Monitor (Practice receiving network packets from network cards) | |
2. | 網路封包產生器(練習產生封包,並由網路卡送出) |
Network Packet Builder (Practice building packets and sent them from network cards) | |
3. | 網路卡驅動程式撰寫 (練習撰寫 Ethernet 網路卡驅動程式) |
Program Writing of Network Card Driver (Practice writing program of Ethernet Network Card Driver) | |
4. | IP網址共用之設計與製作(練習撰寫 NAT (Network Address Translation)程式) |
Designing and Making of network address translation (Practice writing program of network address translation) | |
5. | PC-based 橋接器/交換器之研製 (練習製作 PC-based 之橋接器程式,包含 Ethernet-Ethernet, Ethernet-Wireless LAN) |
Making of PC-based Bridged LAN and Switch (Practice writing PC-based bridged LAN, including Ethernet-Ethernet, Ethernet-Wireless LAN) |
1. | Introduction to LANs. |
2. | Physical layer. |
3. | IEEE 802.2: Logical Link Control. |
4. | IEEE 802.3 CSMA/CD network (乙太網路系列) |
- 10Mbps Ethernet, | |
- 100Mbps Fast Ethernet, | |
- 1Gbps Ethernet, | |
- 10Gbps Ethernet. | |
- Industrial Enthernet Switch (工業用網路交換機 (Practice writing program of network address translation) | |
5. | IEEE 802.11 Wireless LANs(無線區域網路.Practice writing PC-based bridged LAN, including Ethernet-Ethernet, Ethernet-Wireless LAN) |
6. | ATM Networks |
7. | IEEE 802.1d: Spanning Tree Algorithm |
8. | IEEE 802.1w Fast Spanning Tree algorithm |
9. | IEEE 802.1p/1Q: Virtual LAN Technology |
10. | Switches/Bridges/Routers design |