Outline / Syllabus
Electron microscope is a widely-used microscopic equipment in the scientific research field. To provide the basic knowledge about the usage of instruments, this courses will include the fundamental theory of electron microscope. We’ll start from the basic electron optics framework of electron microscope to the interaction between electron and specimen, and to the information of specimen feature we can get from electron microscope. In addition, to explain the basic operation of electron microscope.
♠ | 第一章 |
| 電子光學基礎原理 |
| The Basic Theory of Electron Optics |
| 1-1 引言 |
| Introduction |
| 1-2 為何使用"電子"顯微鏡 |
| Why we Use “Electron” Microscope |
| 1-3 電子顯微鏡的限制 |
| The Limitation of Electron Microscope |
| 1-4 電子光源 |
| The Light Source of Electron |
| 1-5 電磁透鏡與分辨率 |
| Electromagnetic Lens and Image Resolution |
| 1-6 如何紀錄及看到電子 |
| How to Record and See the Electron |
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♠ | 第二章 |
| 電子與樣品的作用 |
| Interaction between Electron and Specimen / Sample |
| 2-1 散射與繞射 |
| Scattering and Diffraction |
| 2-2 電子與原子作用(彈性散射與非彈性散射) |
| Interaction between Electron and Atom (Elastic Scattering and Inelastic Scattering |
| 2-3 電子與晶格作用 |
| Interaction between Electron and Lattice |
| 2-4 電子與樣作用 |
| Interaction between Electron and Specimen |
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♠ | 第三章 |
| 繞射運動與動力學 |
| Diffraction and Dynamics |
| 3-1 電子的成像原理 |
| The Imagining Principle of Electron |
| 3-2 電子顯微鏡成像模式(Image / Diffraction Mode) |
| (Image / Diffraction Mode) The Image / Diffraction Mode of Electron Microscope |
| 3-3 明場與暗場 |
| Bright Field and Dark Field |
| 3-4 電子運動學 |
| Electron Motion |
| 3-5 繞射動力學 |
| Diffraction Dynamics |
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♠ | 第四章 |
| 光能譜分析 |
| Chapter4 X-ray Spectroscopy Analysis |
| 4-1 電子偵測器基本原理 |
| The Basic Theory of Electron Detector |
| 4-2 XEDS 能夠得到的資訊 |
| The Information from XEDS |
| 4-3 XEDS 的限制 |
| The Limitation of XEDS |
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【♠ 課程講義 ♠ 】