【榮譽】 | 國立清華大學100、104、110校傑出教學獎 |
【教學】 | 計算機程式設計、程式創作、電腦視覺特效、程式設計導論、 |
統計學習理論 | |
【研究】 | 電腦視覺、圖像辨識 |
【網站】 | https://htchen.github.io |


介紹如何運用現有的電腦視覺技術,製作出視覺特效。 課程除了理講解之外,也會藉由實驗來複習電腦視覺知識。 除了需要經常使用 Matlab 和 OpenCV 寫程式之外, 還可能需要自己動手拍攝影片與製作輔助拍攝的器材。 This course will illustrate the current computer vision techniquesfor producing Visual Effects. Besides lecturing theories, this course also help students review the knowledge of computer vision by experiment. In addition to using Matlab and OpenCV, students are expected to take videos by themselves and make some assistant tools for video taking.
Textbooks and References
Teaching Methods
♠ | 每個星期 3 小時課堂講解與討論 |
| Lecture and discussion for three hours every week |
♠ | 同學們三人一組,共同討論作業 |
| Three students as a group discuss homework together |
♠ | 作業的分數將會以小組為單位評分 |
| The grades of homework will be rated on the base of group |
♠ | 個人的期末成績則會再因課堂參與及平時表現而有所差異 |
| Personal term grades will be different based on one’s class participation and performance |
Introduction to CVFX Image Matting Image Composition and Editing Features and Matching Dense Correspondence Matchmoving Motion Capture 3D Data Acquisition Optimization Algorithms for Computer Vision