Syllabus 【WeeK1】
Course Description:What Kind of Book is "Zizhi Tongjian"
晉武平吳 天下一統(一)
Emperor of Jin Defeated Wu, the World Was United I
1.羊祜王濬 乗積極準備
Yang Hu and Wang Jun actively prepared
2.賈充專權 女適太子
Jia Chong held the power, a woman served the prince
3.羊陸對峙 佳人佳話
Yang Hu and Lu Kang battled, nice people and words
晉武平吳 天下一統(二)
Emperor of Jin Defeated Wu, the World Was United II
4.范粲不言 亢志堅忍
Fan Tsan’s silence, will, and persistence
5.羊祜上疏 籲主伐吳
Yang Hu’s Letter to the Emperor, advise the king attack Wu
6.馬隆西討 平定涼州
Ma Lung attacked the west, conquered Liang Chou
7.姿貌魁偉 文武長才
Tough appearance, talent in both military and civil field
晉武平吳 天下一統(三)
Emperor of Jin Defeawted Wu, the World Was United III
8.武帝決定 大舉伐吳
Emperor of Jin decided to attack Wu.
9.并官務農 省事清心
Officers became a farmer, relaxed and free
A white flag hung on the castle.
侈汰無度 動亂不已(一)
Extravagance and Turmoil I
1.豪貴驕奢 風氣侈靡
Luxurious nobles, extravagant fad
2.分封子弟 並未之國 宗王出鎮 坐擁強兵
Coronate courtier, King of Tsung owned great military power
3.楊駿敗陣 賈后專朝 天理既絕 大亂將作
Yang Jun failed, Empress Jia led the empire, justice disappeared, the turmoil began
4.名教自然 將無同!
No difference between Confucianism and Taoism
侈汰無度 動亂不已(二)
Extravagance and Turmoil II
5.拓跋興起 西略諸國
Tuoba rose, attacked western countries
6.羌胡內徙漢人侵之 性悍情憤暴害不測 反其舊土戎晉不雜 不憚小勞長享安逸
Qiang and Hu moved, Han invaded
7.賨李入蜀 蜀民大悅
Tou Lee entered Shu, Shu people were happy
8.驕者必敗 識者知之Pride goes before a fall, wise men know
中原板蕩 西晉覆亡(一)
Central Plain Chaos, Western Jin Doom I
1.四海鼎沸 胡族奮起
Four seas boiled, Hu rose
2.劉淵稱王 英傑為輔
Liu Yuan became a king, the talented assisted
3.羯人石勒 漸露頭角
Shi Le from Jie was coming
4.陳敏據有江東 英俊不附 顧榮輕揮羽扇 敵眾潰逃
Chen Min occupied the east of the river, handsome and independent, Ku Jung waved the feather fan, all enemies escaped
5.李雄稱帝 盜亦有道
Li Hsiung became a king, a robber also has his talent
中原板蕩 西晉覆亡(二)
Central Plain Chaos, Western Jin Doom II
6.清靜為政 江東歸心
Silent politics, the east of the river was back
7.石勒勢力 不斷增長
Shi Le’s power continued to grow
8.江左夷吾 正色新亭
Yi Wu from the east of the river, Pure color of Xin Ting
9.東夷不靖 慕容興起
East was not peaceful, Murong rose
10.石勒趨向 張賓獻策
Shi Le leaned, Zhang Bin provided a plan
中原板蕩 西晉覆亡(三)
Central Plain Chaos, Western Jin Doom III
11.受制於人 吳人恚怨
Controlled by others, Wu resented
12.擊楫渡江 誓復中原
Beat with paddles, swear to recover Central Plain
13.妄殘殘虐 宜其覆滅
Cruel torture, doom again
14.西晉一代 干寶總結
Western Jin, Gan Bao made it end
帝即位 祚延江東
Emperor Chaired, Blessing Extended to the East of the River
1.御床共坐 王導固辭
Emperor’s bed was shared, Wang Dao quit
2.刻碎之政 內亂不免
Bad policy, civil war was unavoidable
3.王敦舉兵 士人惶惑
Wang Dun attacked, scholars were anxious
4.廷尉山頭 蘇峻起事
Official controlled, Su Jun rose
5.温嶠陶侃 擊滅蘇峻
Wen Jiao and Tao Kan defeated Su Jun
6.聰敏恭勤 明毅善斷 窺窬之志 折翼而止
Intelligent diligent bright determined, secret will stopped
胡羯雄張 中原動盪(一)
Rise of Hu and Jie, Central Plain Turmoil I
1.越石孤忠 宜在褒恤
Yueh Shih was royal alone, worth compliment
2.遼東士民 不問華夷
Liaodong people did not know Central Plain
3.關中情勢 擾攘不安
The situation in Guanzhong was chaotic
4.隴上壯士 有陳安
Lungshang man, Chen An
5.救援洛陽 擒獲劉曜
Saved Loyang, arrested Liu Yao
6.掃平秦隴 石勒即位
Stuck Chinlung, Shi Le became a king
胡羯雄張 中原動盪(二)
Rise of Hu and Jie, Central Plain Turmoil II
7.國家禍根 宜早清除
The root of domestic disasters needed cleaning earlier
8.石勒去世 動亂即起
Shi Le passed away, the turmoil began
9.關山萬里 致忠朝廷
Thousands of miles of people were royal to the government
10.石趙君主 禮佛敬僧
King Shi Zhao respected Buddhism and monks
11.石虎父子 奢糜殘暴
King Shi Zhao respected Buddhism and monks
12.乃心宗國 得歸故里
Who royal to the country could go back to homeland
木猶如此 人何以堪(一)
Wood was damaged, people suffered I
1.東晉兩宋 船山絜論
Jingzhou’s entrance was controlled by Huan Wen
2.荊州門戶 桓温當之
King of Shu was too proud, Huan Wen defeated him
3.蜀主驕淫 桓温克之
Who killing brothers and Father is cold-blooded
4.殺弟謀父 禽獸不如
Who killing brothers and Father is cold-blooded
5.危難當前 嚴肅對待 訴之情理 化解無形
Danger was coming, took it serious, through reasoning and attachment, solved it
木猶如此 人何以堪(二)
Wood was damaged, people suffered II
6.身處喪亂 何其難也
Led army into Central Plain as if no one there
7.揮軍入關 不渡灞水 捫蝨而談 旁若無人
If Chin people had been there, they would have known Fu Sheng was falsely incriminated.
8.秦人若在 當知苻生之多誣 東海王堅 能得英雄之為助
Wang Chien from East China Sea could get heroes help.
Anshi did not become a official, what could people do
10.思念愛子 鬢髮中白
Missed the beloved son, hair became white
木猶如此 人何以堪(三)
Wood was damaged, people suffered III
11.用兵之道 豈在殺戮
Huan Wen attacked northward, not following Hsi Chao’s ide, stayed at Fangtou, defeated by Murong
12.桓温北伐 不從郗超之謀 枋頭徘徊 終為慕容所敗
The truth of history cannot be covered
13.史事之實 終不能沒
ang Meng’s idea was refuted by Sima Guang
14.王猛計謀 温公斥之
Huan Wen desired the crown, Wang and Hsieh resisted with whole effort
15.桓温顗覦大位 王謝全力扺制
Huan Wen desired the crown, Wang and Hsieh resisted with whole effort
世族門閥 日薄崦嵫(一)
aristocratism’s sun set I
1.苻堅寛弘 王猛精算
Fu Jian was generous, Wang Meng was cautious
2.桓郗凋零 盛勢不再 王謝風華 掌握大權
Huan Hsi failed, no longer strong, Wang and Hsieh held the power The King insisted going southward to inspect, courtiers expressed their agreement or disagreement 4.秦軍百萬兵敗肥水何以故 燕祚已興不殺苻堅有說乎 hin Army with millions of soldiers failed, Yen Tso has risen but did not kill Fu Jian
Final Term