【榮譽】 | 國立清華大學95、99、102校傑出教學獎 |
【網站】 | https://reurl.cc/01abY9 |
【研究 | 統計場論 — 結合理論建模、數值模擬、機器學習等研究工具, |
興趣】 | 應用於凝態物理、材料科學、網絡動力學、計算神經科學、醫學影像分析 |
等研究課題。 |


Ten Questions we will discuss this semester
Q1: Why are most materials charge neutral?
Chapter 21 – Electric Charge and Electric Field
Chapter 22 – Gauss’s Law
Q2: What causes lightning?
Chapter 22 – Electric Potential Chapter 24– Capacitance, Dielectrics, Electric Energy Storage
Q3: Can magnetic forces do work?
Chapter 27 – Magnetism
Q4: How does the geomagnetic field arise?
Chapter 28 – Sources of Magnetic Field
Q5: Why can light propagate in vacuum?
Chapter 29 – Electromagnetic Induction and Faraday’s Law
Chapter 30 – Inductance, Electromagnetic Oscillations and AC Circuits
Chapter 31 – Maxwell equations and Electromagnetic Waves
Q6: What is the nature of light?
Chapter 34 – The Wave Nature of Light; Interference
Chapter 37 – Early Quantum Theory and Models of the Atom
Q7: Why are atoms stable?
Chapter 38 – Quantum Mechanics
Chapter 39 – Quantum Mechanics of Atoms
Q8: How is the secret of life encoded?
Chapter 40 – Molecules and Solids
Q9: How can we date fossils?
Chapter 42 – Nuclear Physics and Radioactivity
Q10: What are the building blocks of our universe?
Chapter 43 – Elementary Particles Chapter 44 – Astrophysics and Cosmology
Lectures (Spring, 2014)
【Week 1】
Feb 18 (Tue) Course introduction Feb 20 (Thu) Why are most materials charge neutral?
【Week 2】
Feb 25 (Tue) Coulomb’s law and electric field Feb 27 (Thu) Gauss’s law
Mar 4 (Tue) What causes lightning? Mar 6 (Thu) electrostatic potential energy
Mar 11 (Tue) Can magnetic forces do work? Mar 13 (Thu) Hall effect
Mar 18 (Tue) Magnetic materials Mar 20 (Thu) How does the geomagnetic field arise?
Mar 25 (Tue) Biot-Savart law Mar 27 (Thu) Ampere’s law
Apr 1 (Tue) Why can light propagate in vacuum? Apr 3 (Thu) 校際活動週(停課) Week 8
Apr 8 (Tue) dynamics of electric and magnetic fields Apr 10 (Thu) Maxwell equations
Apr 15 (Tue) Maxwell equation 2 Apr 17 (Thu) energy and momentum in EM waves
【Week 10】
Apr 20 (Sun) 期中考 Apr 22 (Tue) 期中考講解 Apr 24 (Thu) What is the nature of light?
【Week 11】
Apr 29 (Tue) resolution limit May 1 (Thu) blackbody radiation
【Week 12】
May 6 (Tue) Why are atoms stable? May 8 (Thu) de Broglie wave
【Week 13 】
May 13 (Tue) Schrodinger equation May 15 (Thu) Schrodinger equation 2
【Week 14 】
May 20 (Tue) angular momentum and spin May 22 (Thu) Pauli exclusion principle
【Week 15】
May 27 (Tue) How is the secret of life encoded? May 29 (Thu) band theory of solids
【Week 16】
Jun 3 (Tue) How can we date fossils? Jun 5 (Thu) magnetic resonance imaging
【Week 17】
Jun10 (Tue) What are the building blocks of our universe? Jun 12 (Thu) after the big bang
【Week 18】
(Final Week) Jun15 (Sun) 期末考 Jun 19 (Thu) 期末考講解