線上人數: 335


【NTHU】Professor Lai leads you to the world of Quantum Physics

Professor Lai
leads you to the world of Quantum Physics

This is the ninth year of【Introduction to Quantum Physics】given by Professor Chih-Huang Lai at NTHU ! Professor Lai receives his Ph.D in Materials Science and Engineering at Stanford University, he leads the students into the world of Quantum Physics from the perspective of material science.

After years and years of modifying the course content and direction,
       In Professor Lai’s course, there are all kinds of learning resources,

The text book helps you to cultivate the ability of reading and comprehension,

By practicing the example questions, you may improve the ability of mathematical  and physical deduction,

The TA helps you with a great deal of techniques of solving the problems.

Strict teachers produce outstanding students
OCW invites you to join the world of Introduction to Quantum Physics,

We hope that after learning from Professor Lai’s outstanding teaching,

Students will be fully prepared to enter the world of Introduction  to Quantum Physics!




【2/13-3/2 Calendar】113學年度第2學期加退選開始(至3月2日止)Add-or-Drop Selection (2/13-3/2)   ♠   【2/21 Calendar】教師提出更改113學年度第1學期學生成績截止Deadline for 2024 Fall Semester Grade Adjustments   ♠   【3/22 Calendar】園徵才博覽會Career Fair   ♠   【4/2 Calendar】校際活動週(停課一日,課程由教師自行擇期補課)   ♠   【4/4 Calendar】兒童節、民族掃墓節Tomb Sweeping Day / Children's Day   ♠   【4/26 Calendar】校慶環校路跑Cross Country Long Distance Running   ♠   【4/27 Calendar】校慶活動日University Foundation Anniversary Celebration   ♠   【4/29 Calendar】校慶日University Foundation Day   ♠   【5/9-6/1 Calendar】教學意見調查開始(至6月1日止)Online Course Evaluation   ♠   【5/13-6/11 Calendar】114學年度轉系、轉所申請(至6月11日止)Application for Program Transfer   ♠   【5/15-5/24 Calendar】各系辦理大學申請入學甄試(至24日止,由各系自行指定日期並於招生簡章   ♠   【5/15-5/24 Calendar】各系辦理大學申請入學甄試(至24日止,由各系自行指定日期並於招生簡章   ♠   【5/16 Calendar】教師升等資料送人事室截止Deadline for Submission of Faculty   ♠   【5/25 Calendar】畢業典禮Commencement   ♠   【5/30 Calendar】端午節補假Holiday-Dragon Boat Festival (No Class)   ♠   【5/31 Calendar】端午節Dragon Boat Festival (No Class)   ♠   【5/31 Calendar】教師進修及休假研究申請案送人事室截止Deadline for Submission of   ♠   【6/9-6/11 Calendar】114學年度第1學期第1次選課開始(至11日止)1st Course Selection Period   ♠   【6/9 Calendar】教師送繳應屆畢業生113學年度第2學期成績截止Deadline for 2025   ♠   【6/9 Calendar】暑假開始Summer Vacation Begins   ♠