第17講 Single-Cycle Processor / Pipelining
Implementing Jumps
Putting it Altogether (+ jump instruction)
Worst Case Timing (Load)
Drawback of Single-Cycle Design
An overview of pipelining
Pipelining Lessons
Single cycle vs. Pipeline
Pipeline Performance
Designing a Pipelined Processor
Multi-Execution Steps
Split Single-cycle Datapath
Add Pipeline Registers
Consider load
Pipelining load
The Four Stages of R-type
Pipelining R-type and load
Important Observation
Solution: Delay R-type’s Write
The Four Stages of store
The Three Stages of beq
Pipelined Datapath
Graphically Representing Pipelines
Pipeline Control: Control Signals
Group Signals According to Stages
Data Stationary Control
WB Stage of load
Summary of Pipeline Basics
Data hazards and forwarding (R-Type and R-Type)
Data hazards and stalls (Load and R-type)