線上人數: 127

10001 應用力學一

第12講 Method of Virtual Work



Chapter9.11 Moment of Inertia of Mass
Chapter9.12 Parallel-Axis Theorem
Chapter9.13 Moments of Inertia of Thin Plates
Chapter9.14 Determination of the Moment of Inertia of a Three-Dimensional Body by Integration
Chapter10.1 Introduction Method of Virtual Work
Chapter10.2 Work of a Force
Chapter10.3 Principle of Virtual Work
Chapter10.4 Application of the Principle of Virtual Work
Chapter10.5 Real Machines , Mechanical Efficiency
Chapter10.6 Work of a Force Due a Finite Displacement
Chapter10.7 Potential Energy
Chapter10.8 Potential Energy and Equilibirum
Chapter10.9 Stability of Equilibrium

【11/6 Calendar】全校運動大會(停課一天) Sports Day (no class)   ♠   【11/22-12/15 Calendar】教學意見調查開始(至12月15日止)Online Course Evaluation (11/22-12/15)   ♠   【8/26-8/27 Calendar】113學年度第1學期第3次選課開始(至27日止)3rd Course Selection Period (8/26-8/27)   ♠   【11/30 Calendar】教師進修及休假研究申請案送人事室截止Deadline for Faculty’s Sabbatical Leave Application   ♠   【12/1-12/6 Calendar】申請113學年度第2學期學雜費減免開始(至6日止)   ♠   【12/16-12/20 Calendar】期末考試開始(至20日止)Final Exams (12/16-12/20)   ♠   【9/2-10/4 Calendar】弱勢助學金申請(至10月4日止)   ♠   【12/23-12/25 Calendar】113學年度第2學期第1次選課開始(至25日止)1st Course Selection Period for 2025 Spring Semester (12/23-12/25)   ♠   【9/17 Calendar】中秋節 Mid-Autumn Festival (no class)   ♠   【12/31-1/2 Calendar】113學年度第2學期第2次選課開始(至1月2日止)2nd Course Selection Period for 2025 Spring Semester (12/31-1/2)   ♠   【9/23-11/15 Calendar】期中教學意見反映(至11月15日止) Mid-term Feedback on Teaching (9/23-11/15)   ♠   【10/10 Calendar】國慶日Double Tenth Day (no class)   ♠   【10/14-11/29 Calendar】期中成績預警開始(至11月29日止)Academic Warning System Starts Sending out Alert (10/14-11/29)   ♠   【10/28-11/15 Calendar】113學年度第1學期申請課程停修開始(至11月15日止)Course Withdrawal Begins (10/28-11/15)   ♠