第19講 Algebra Value of the Covariant Derivative
1. Example: The Normal Curvature and the Geodesic
Curvature of the Circle on the Elliptic Parabolic
2. Lemma: The Differentiable Extension of a
1. Lemma: Relation between the Covariant Derivative of
Two Unit Vector Fields and the Variation of the Angle
That They Form
2. Note: The Geodesic Curvature Is the Rate of Change
of the Angle That the Tangent to the Curve Makes
with a Parallel Vector Field
3. Proposition: An Expression for the Algebraic Value in
Terms of the First Fundamental Form and the
Variation of the Angle
1. Proposition: An Expression for the Algebraic Value in
Terms of the First Fundamental Form and the
Variation of the Angle (cont.)
1. Example: The Normal Curvature and the Geodesic
Curvature of the Circle on the Elliptic Parabolic
2. Lemma: The Differentiable Extension of a
1. Lemma: Relation between the Covariant Derivative of
Two Unit Vector Fields and the Variation of the Angle
That They Form
2. Note: The Geodesic Curvature Is the Rate of Change
of the Angle That the Tangent to the Curve Makes
with a Parallel Vector Field
3. Proposition: An Expression for the Algebraic Value in
Terms of the First Fundamental Form and the
Variation of the Angle
1. Proposition: An Expression for the Algebraic Value in
Terms of the First Fundamental Form and the
Variation of the Angle (cont.)