第10講 State Space Design II
Lecture 10: State Space Design II
Lecture 10: State Space Design II
Frequency Response
Transmission Zeros
Lecture 10: State Space Design II
Lecture 10: State Space Design II
Zeros for the Thermal System from a State Description
Properties of the Determinant
Full‐state Feedback Design using Control Canonical Form
Ackermann’s formula
Lecture 10: State Space Design II
Lecture 10: State Space Design II
How Zero Location Can Affect the Control Law
Pole Placement
Introducing the Reference Input with Full‐State Feedback
Control Law for a Pendulum
Lecture 10: State Space Design II
Lecture 10: State Space Design II
Control Law for a Pendulum
Poles & Zeros Placement
Feedback Design and Control
Closed‐loop Zeros