第22講 The Gauss Map and Its Fundamental Properties (cont.)
1. Proposition: A Connected Surface with Every Point
Being Umbilical Point Is a Piece of Plane or Sphere (cont.)
1. Proposition: A Connected Surface with Every Point
Being Umbilical Point Is a Piece of Plane or Sphere (cont.)
2. Definition: Asymptotic Direction and Asymptotic Curve
3. Example: Straight Line
1. Example: Straight Line (cont.) and Curve with Positive Curvature
2. Observation: There Is NO Asymptotic Direction at an Elliptic Point
3. Definition: Dupin Indicatrix
1. Proposition: A Connected Surface with Every Point
Being Umbilical Point Is a Piece of Plane or Sphere (cont.)
1. Proposition: A Connected Surface with Every Point
Being Umbilical Point Is a Piece of Plane or Sphere (cont.)
2. Definition: Asymptotic Direction and Asymptotic Curve
3. Example: Straight Line
1. Example: Straight Line (cont.) and Curve with Positive Curvature
2. Observation: There Is NO Asymptotic Direction at an Elliptic Point
3. Definition: Dupin Indicatrix